hi ,
i found sarama-cluster will close connection .
2018/11/23 11:28:20 ClientID is the default of 'sarama', you should consider setting it to something application-specific.
2018/11/23 11:28:20 Initializing new client
2018/11/23 11:28:20 ClientID is the default of 'sarama', you should consider setting it to something application-specific.
2018/11/23 11:28:20 ClientID is the default of 'sarama', you should consider setting it to something application-specific.
2018/11/23 11:28:20 client/metadata fetching metadata for all topics from broker biz1.kafka:9091
2018/11/23 11:28:20 Connected to broker at biz1.kafka:9091 (unregistered)
2018/11/23 11:28:20 client/brokers registered new broker #2 at
2018/11/23 11:28:20 client/brokers registered new broker #1 at
2018/11/23 11:28:20 Successfully initialized new client
2018/11/23 11:28:20 client/coordinator requesting coordinator for consumergroup censor from biz1.kafka:9091
2018/11/23 11:28:20 client/coordinator coordinator for consumergroup censor is #1 (
2018/11/23 11:28:20 client/metadata fetching metadata for all topics from broker biz1.kafka:9091
2018/11/23 11:28:20 client/coordinator requesting coordinator for consumergroup censor from biz1.kafka:9091
2018/11/23 11:28:20 client/coordinator coordinator for consumergroup censor is #1 (
2018/11/23 11:28:20 cluster/consumer rebalance
2018/11/23 11:28:20 ClientID is the default of 'sarama', you should consider setting it to something application-specific.
2018/11/23 11:28:20 Connected to broker at (registered as #1)
2018/11/23 11:28:42 cluster/consumer sarama-aafce704-b5b7-4fd9-9de8-d35726337588 consume bizType-media/0 from 32
2018/11/23 11:28:42 cluster/consumer sarama-aafce704-b5b7-4fd9-9de8-d35726337588 consume bizType-media/1 from 49
2018/11/23 11:28:42 consumer/broker/1 added subscription to bizType-media/0
2018/11/23 11:28:42 consumer/broker/1 added subscription to bizType-media/1
2018/11/23 11:48:20 client/metadata fetching metadata for all topics from broker biz1.kafka:9091
2018/11/23 11:58:20 client/metadata fetching metadata for all topics from broker biz1.kafka:9091
2018/11/23 14:07:37 consumer/broker/1 closed dead subscription to bizType-media/0
2018/11/23 14:07:37 consumer/broker/1 closed dead subscription to bizType-media/1
2018/11/23 14:07:37 Closing Client
2018/11/23 14:07:37 Closed connection to broker
2018/11/23 14:07:37 Closed connection to broker biz1.kafka:9091
i dno't know why closed .when i add config.ClientID="xxx" ,then will ok .mybe this not reason?
how i know Closing Client Event,
or Closed connection to broker ,if close ,
then i want restart client . or reconnection client .
// consume errors
go func() {
for err := range consumer.Errors() {
logger.KafkaConsumerLogger.Errorln("[kafka.consumer]Error: %s\n", err.Error())
// consume notifications
go func() {
for ntf := range consumer.Notifications() {
logger.KafkaConsumerLogger.Infof("[kafka.consumer]Rebalanced: %+v\n", ntf)
they are nothing notifications .only found sarama.Logger found close client or close connection
sorry , I don't know much about kafka.
please guide me ,how to receive client close or broker close notifications? , then code reconnection or auto restart Consumer cluster.client ? . and how to print detail sarama-cluster log ?
hi , i found sarama-cluster will close connection .
i dno't know why closed .when i add config.ClientID="xxx" ,then will ok .mybe this not reason?
my config
how i know Closing Client Event, or Closed connection to broker ,if close , then i want restart client . or reconnection client .
they are nothing notifications .only found sarama.Logger found close client or close connection
sorry , I don't know much about kafka. please guide me ,how to receive client close or broker close notifications? , then code reconnection or auto restart Consumer cluster.client ? . and how to print detail sarama-cluster log ?
thanks !