bsorrentino / cordova-broadcaster

Cordova Plugin to allow message exchange between javascript and native (and viceversa)
MIT License
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Where should I write Android code? #39

Closed NBSeven closed 6 years ago

NBSeven commented 6 years ago

I'm a front-end engineer and don't know anything about Android....Now I have a web-project and use cordova to build apk but i dont konw whitch .java file to write your android code ... thanks

bsorrentino commented 6 years ago


I’m not sure to have understood the question

If you’d want use this plugin you should have some needs that implies to write some native (java) code, otherwise I don’t understand the reason to use it.

However when you use cordova-cli to generate the android platform and add such plugin, some java stuff is automatically generated. Take a look in platform/Android folder

NBSeven commented 6 years ago

Thank you for your prompt reply. My project was generated by cordova-cli and I found some java files including yours .I have add some cordova plugins and most of them dont need to write native code . I konw use this plugin should write some native (java) code but I've never developed an android project.

I have a PDA(like a mobile phone) that has the function of scanning Barcode. I setting Barcode Receive Models is 'Broadcast'. The PDA company give me nativeJS code . It is worked on another framework that is like cordova.

function plusReady() {
                var receiver;
                main =; 
                receiver ='', {
                    onReceive: function(context, intent) {
                        var m_barcode = intent.getStringExtra("BARCODE"); 
                var IntentFilter ='android.content.IntentFilter');
                var filter = new IntentFilter();
                main.registerReceiver(receiver, filter); 

            if( {
            } else {
                document.addEventListener('plusready', plusReady, false);

But I dont use this framework . I used cordova before. I 'm not sure that your plugin can implement this function. I'm sorry for my bad English.

In the last question I mean I don't know which file to put your native code in.

bsorrentino commented 6 years ago

Hi @NBSeven

Don't worry about english. Code that you shared seems written in a sort of NativeScript.

If I well understood it ... this plugin is the perfect choice, just you have to translate it in pure android/java native code.

if your deadline is not imminent I can help you. Let me know

NBSeven commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your caring~I've solved the problem ^_^