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[SVM] Explore boosting mechanisms #45

Open michelole opened 6 years ago

michelole commented 6 years ago

If any metric different than accuracy is used in the final evaluation (#29), we might suffer on imbalanced classes.

If that holds true, consider methods for fixing that, such as AdaBoost.

michelole commented 6 years ago

@pievos101 said:

If there is unbalanced classes, and if it does not make too much work, personally I would try random forest as well. Isn't the whole random forest thing the entire boosting idea ?

michelole commented 6 years ago

Consider also

svm.setWeights("1 1");
michelole commented 6 years ago

Test impact on overall F1 micro score first to see if it's worth. Maybe a fake classifier that cheats using training data and is always right for the imbalanced classes?