bstauff / recipe-shuffle

A simple web app to plan meals for the week.
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As a user, I want recipe shuffle to plan recipes based on tags, so that I can customize the meal plans. #24

Open bstauff opened 12 months ago

bstauff commented 12 months ago

A user should be able to add tags to recipes (e.g. 'taco tuesday', 'meatless', 'cheat day meal').

Then, a user should be able to add tags to calendar days.

The meal plan strategy should match up recipe tags to calendar day tags to produce a meal plan.

This will allow users to customize the meal plan creation strategy to take into account their preferences for having certain types of meals on certain days.

bstauff commented 5 months ago

To support tagging properly, the backend data model for the recipes bounded context had to be changed.

The changes have been made in supabase to reflect the updated model:
