bstrdsmkr / 1Channel plugin for XBMC
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Pixelation issue on Beyond XBMC #154

Closed tknorris closed 10 years ago

tknorris commented 10 years ago

If you are watching a video, doesn't seem to matter which one, and escape out while it is still playing and go back to the listing of episodes and the video playing in the background will become pixelated in Frodo. In Gotham the screen remains darkened on the home screen for some time and then displays the list but returns to video and no pixelation.

This occurred on Ugoos UT2 RK3188 running Beyond XBMC and Gotham. Also pixelated on Ugoos UT2 w/3188T in Frodo no Gotham installed on this one. This does not happen on the PC in Frodo.

Video of issue:

tknorris commented 10 years ago

Wow, that is a weird one. I can't reproduce it on Linux. I did find several forum posts out there saying this happens to others any time they play lower quality content and bring up a menu during playback on the 1388T using BeyondXBMC. (e.g.

It sounds to me like a bug in that build of XBMC (probably in the video driver). Can you try ice-films or go tv and see if you get the same kind of problem? I think you will.

To test if it's a hw driver problem, you might be able to try turning hardware accelaration off temporarily (Settings->Video->Acceleration->Render Method/Decoding Method) and see if that makes the problem stop. If it does, then it's definitely a problem spceific to that hardware/platform.

Follow Up:

Damn, well BOTH versions, old and new one, played perfectly!! I have a Wasser ROM installed on BOTH the UT2s and the T428 is running a Finless Bob ROM. Think that could be the problem, the Wasser ROM?

So now I go roll back to 2.3.0 on one of the UT2s and see what happens there....shoot.

Ok so I just removed 2.3.53 from one UT2 (RK3188 NO "T"). I removed the tknorris repo, I went into packages deleted all revisions of 1CH, went into userdata/database deleted 1CH cache and deleted the 1CH folder in Userdata/Add_ons. Now NO 1CH installed on it at all.

Installed V2.3.0, configured it including the MySql settings. Went to TV Hogan's Heros played s01e21. NO problems going from player to season list and back several times. I thought for sure it would mess up, but it didn't. So something is different in 2.3.53.

tknorris commented 10 years ago

Before we dive into detailed debugging, lets try one change that might be causing it. In the 1CH settings, there is a Performance Tab. The first setting turns directory caching on and off. It's possible that something weird is happening there. Try turning caching on (the default is off) and see if that makes it stop. That shouldn't cause it but it's possible and it's easy to test if it is.

If that doesn't fix it. To debug this we are going to have to carefully eliminate as many variables as we can. So, pick one of the boxes that has pixelated in the past with 2.3.53. And follow these steps on it:

  1. Blow away all traces of 2.3.53 (repo, addon, package cache, etc.)
  2. Restart XBMC
  3. Install 1CH 2.3.0
  4. Play the episode that has pixelated in the past.
  5. Assuming it doesn't pixelate, capture the xbmc log of that play and post it marking it as such.
  6. Install 1CH 2.3.53 from here (Don't bother installing the beta repo yet. as we may have to test multiple builds to figure out the problem)
  7. Restart XBMC
  8. Play the SAME episode from the SAME source/hoster as before. (Note, same episode and source is critical to eliminate video codec decoded bugs as a possible source)
  9. If the video does pixelate, capture the xbmc log of that play and post it marking it as such.

You can post another video showing the steps if you want, but if I have to logs I can tell what you did when for the most part. The one thing the video does show me though is what you are doing at the time the pixelation starts.

Also, I know all the specificity sounds pedantic but each variable we can eliminate is one less test/build we have to do to figure out what is causing the problem.

Note, in case you didn't already know, the best place to post xbmc logs is either: or

tknorris commented 10 years ago

Also, can you confirm the current status is this to make sure I'm clear on what boxes you have and the status of each:

Device ROM XBMC Version 2.3.0 Status 2.3.53 Status
UT2 - RT1388 Wasser Beyond XBMC - Gotham works pixelates
UT2 - RT1388T Wasser Beyond XBMC - Frodo works pixelates
T428 Stick Finless Bob Beyond XBMC - ?Gotham? works works

Also, if that's correct. On the 2 boxes that pixelate, can you test a movie also using 2.3.53 to see if they pixelate?

flhthemi commented 10 years ago

T428 is using Beyond XBMC Frodo Finless version is 2.0 KK 4.4.2 Wasser vsersions is 1.25 JB

Only the UT2s pixelate using BXBMC Frodo and 1CH V2.3.53 I will do all testing on the RK3188 NO "T" Unit now known as Unit-1

XBMCLOGS: I wonder if it has issue with Mashup being in my log data and might be why I get error of unacceptable phrase when I try to post the log file there.

tknorris commented 10 years ago

So, is this correct then?

Unit Device ROM XBMC Version 2.3.0 Status 2.3.53 Status
Unit 1 UT2 - RT3188 Wasser Beyond XBMC - Frodo works pixelates
Unit 2 UT2 - RT3188T Wasser Beyond XBMC - Frodo works pixelates
Unit 3 T428 Stick Finless Bob Beyond XBMC - Frodo works works

I thought at least some of these boxes were running Gotham? Are you saying this?

Unit Device ROM XBMC Version 2.3.0 Status 2.3.53 Status
Unit 1 UT2 - RT3188 Wasser Beyond XBMC - Frodo works pixelates
Unit 1 UT2 - RT3188 Wasser Beyond XBMC - Gotham works works
Unit 2 UT2 - RT3188T Wasser Beyond XBMC - Frodo works works
Unit 2 UT2 - RT3188T Wasser Beyond XBMC - Gotham works pixelates
Unit 3 T428 Stick Finless Bob Beyond XBMC - Frodo works works
Unit 3 T428 Stick Finless Bob Beyond XBMC - Gotham works works
flhthemi commented 10 years ago

Unit-1 has both Frodo (BXBMC) and Gotham the only Android with both.

There is also an Asus TF700 tablet with Gotham only. 2.3.53 is working fine on it.

There are 2 PCs both Win 7. PC-1 is AMD quad and is hosting MySql with a Frodo install Win7 64bit PC-2 is an old P4 3.2ghz running Gotham NO MySql

Both PCs are fine with v2.3.53

tknorris commented 10 years ago

So, I think this is right. Let me know if not.

Unit Device ROM XBMC Version 2.3.0 Status 2.3.53 Status
Unit 1 UT2 - RT3188 Wasser Beyond XBMC - Frodo works pixelates
Unit 1 UT2 - RT3188 Wasser Beyond XBMC - Gotham works works
Unit 2 UT2 - RT3188T Wasser Beyond XBMC - Frodo works pixelates
Unit 3 T428 Stick Finless Bob Beyond XBMC - Frodo works works

I'll leave the other ones off unless you start having issues on those boxes as well.

I just noticed the table shows Unit 2 as working on 2.3.53 with Frodo. Is that right? (Re-reading through your earlier reports I think Unit 2 Frodo has the same problem so I corrected it above.)

flhthemi commented 10 years ago

Now it's correct!

flhthemi commented 10 years ago

xbmc 230.log No pixelation from Unit-1

flhthemi commented 10 years ago

xbmc 2.3.53 fail to play.log on Unit-1 This log has script error NO pixelation as it would NOTeven play the file. From Unit-1

flhthemi commented 10 years ago

xbmc 2353 fail while changing views.log from Unit-1

tknorris commented 10 years ago

On the 1st log, the only error I see is the resume dialog error that I think is just informational. I'll go ahead and do a build of 2.3.54 though today to resolve it though just in case that was causing your problem.

On the 2nd log, there is some crazy url for the addon in there that I've never seen before "plugin://" I don't know where that came from. That's the only error I see in that log.

flhthemi commented 10 years ago

This log file may or may not be of use as debugging wasn't on. :( It did pixelate while I was in it. So I turned on Performance Tab/Directory Caching and so far NO pixelation. While the list of episodes is on screen in list view the video seems a little jerky but does smooth out. There were several script errors during this as I was attempting to play episodes I have JUST played and they failed. Episodes that have been played on other days failed as well. So I had to use an episode I had NOT played to get something on the screen.

Basically: Play an episode, stop it , try to start it again, get script error. Never gets to the list of urls.

tknorris commented 10 years ago

OK, so this helped. 2.3.54 will fix your script error on replay. It's a problem with the dialog when running Frodo asking if you want to resume from where you left off.

On the pixelation issue, the problem appears to be when XBMC tries to rebuild the directory listing while a video is playing at the same time. Something about that on your platform running Frodo triggers the pixelation. The only difference between having that button on and off is, with it on XBMC just re-presents the menu my code built from last time, and with it off, my code rebuilds the list every time. So, if that keeps it from pixelating, then I think the fix is just to turn on directory caching when running Frodo on the UT2s.

I'll have 2.3.54 out in a bit.

tknorris commented 10 years ago

I published 2.3.54 if you want to force the update. Your script error on replay should be gone now.

bstrdsmkr commented 10 years ago

pixellation sounds like Frame dropping in combination with dirty region rendering. You can hit "I" during payback to see the rendering statistics. If that's the case, that's a pretty low level xbmc issue. My guess would be trouble rendering and doing the payback service checking stuff? On Jul 19, 2014 11:27 AM, "tknorris" wrote:

OK, so this helped. 2.3.54 will fix your script error on replay. It's a problem with the dialog when running Frodo asking if you want to resume from where you left off.

On the pixelation issue, the problem appears to be when XBMC tries to rebuild the directory listing while a video is playing at the same time. Something about that on your platform running Frodo triggers the pixelation. The only difference between having that button on and off is, with it on XBMC just re-presents the menu my code built from last time, and with it off, my code rebuilds the list every time. So, if that keeps it from pixelating, then I think the fix is just to turn on directory caching when running Frodo on the UT2s.

I'll have 2.3.54 out in a bit.

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flhthemi commented 10 years ago

Script error on replay: 54 worked a charm on Unit-3. Updating 1 and 2.

Ok on the pixelation fix....

tknorris commented 10 years ago

You can hit "I" during payback to see the rendering statistics.

Did you mean "O"? For me, "I" brings up the video info.

bstrdsmkr commented 10 years ago

Errrr... Maybe? I'm on the road so wrote from memory lol whichever brings up the text across the top On Jul 19, 2014 12:00 PM, "tknorris" wrote:

You can hit "I" during payback to see the rendering statistics.

Did you mean "O"? For me, "I" brings up the video info.

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tknorris commented 10 years ago

Errrr... Maybe? I'm on the road so wrote from memory lol whichever brings up the text across the top

Haha, yeah, that's "O" for "cOdec info". That one always annoys me because I have to get out my keyboard to hit it because I ran out of IR codes on my remote. lol

tuxen commented 10 years ago

You can use the same key in different sections of XBMC. Let's say you use your remote button for context menu in the GLOBAL section of XBMC. You can then use the same key in FULLSCREEN section to bring up the codecinfo since there is no use for contextmenu when you are in fullscreen playing a video. :)

test ..ah - that's a wierd place to put that sign. heh
tknorris commented 10 years ago

Yeah, I did that for a while but I had to remove it. I can't remember why now. I might give it another try. I actually bought a flirc but just haven't managed to find the time to set it up. I was hoping the XBMC profile on it would automatically support all the XBMC keys out of the box but it doesn't. So, I'll have to do the combined XBMC profile & a hacked profile.

flhthemi commented 10 years ago

I have a Flirc. I combined keyboard and xbmc commands. Works great. I have an info button on the remote programmed to "C". Even get to use page up/down buttons on it. Best thing about it is the IR signal is very good, never misses picking up the remote.

tknorris commented 10 years ago

fihthemi, can we close this issue? Is your pixelation issue resolved by turning on directory caching?

flhthemi commented 10 years ago

Your call. Still not sure after the 54 update that the script error that occurs during view changes has been addressed.

Also FYI, 54 is working fine on all devices as far as the "fix" for pixelation and replaying urls.

I'm ready for Gotham 13.2 beta, maybe just on the tablet first. What do you think?

tknorris commented 10 years ago

Lets close this issue then, and if you can reproduce the changing views script error, post it in the hub thread. I only wanted to open this issue because I thought it was going to take longer (and possible multiple attempts at fixing) the pixelation issue.

flhthemi commented 10 years ago

Ok done ;)