bt-sync / sync-docker

Resilio Sync docker image
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Mounting & Connecting Volume Folders Used by Other Containers #31

Open BzowK opened 5 years ago

BzowK commented 5 years ago

Good Morning -

I run Docker in my home lab on a dedicated system running Atomic Fedora 28. The host has about 15-20 containers on it. As I use Resilio Sync (Pro) to sync some things between my home PCs and mobile devices, I thought it would be a good alternative to sync some files that a couple of my containers download to my primary workstation.

I installed the container using the string at the end of this post. As you can see, I mounted a volume for the container's config as well as "~/sabnzbd" which is an existing volume/folder mounted to another container which I wish to sync files from. It already contains many files & folders already. The ":z" addition is required for SysLinux.

My Issue Once the container is up, I get into Resilio's WebUI, apply the license, then link it to my existing devices. My issue is when going to add a new synced folder, I can see and browse to the "sabnzbd" within "mounted-folders", however it appears empty and doesn't show any sub folders within it. My plan is to create new sync connections for 5-6 folders within /sabnzbd/downloads, but since it is empty, I cannot. I did try to create a folder named "test" within it and set it up as a synced folder. When viewing the folder on the host over SSH, that folder did not appear, however; yet it does show all folders I expect to see and choose from within Resilio.

Besides attempting to mount the volume at a different place within the container, I also added the PUID/PGID string which is what I use on the other container thinking it may be a permissions issue, but so far no change. The permissions for ~/sabnzbd is 755, but in Atomic; everything accesses as root by default.

Any Suggestions?

Below is the string I most recently used for adding the container followed by log snippets from the container's startup and references to the folder in question...

Container Install String

docker run -d \ --name ResilioSync \ -p $WEBUI_PORT:8888 \ -p 55555 \ -e PUID=0 -e PGID=0 \ -e TZ=America/Chicago \ -v ~/resilio:/mnt/sync:z \ -v ~/sabnzbd:/mnt/mounted_folders/sabnzbd:z \ --restart=always \ resilio/sync

Container Log Snippet - Initial Container Startup

[20181115 17:03:49.889] LF[473A]: LicenseFolder::IsActive(consumer): return TRUE, personal license,[20181115 16:47:50.002] Debug log mask has been set to FFFFFFFF, [20181115 16:47:50.002] Features mask has been set to 0, [20181115 16:47:50.003] ZIP: Can't locate [version] in zip, error -100., [20181115 16:47:50.003] Configuration from file "/mnt/sync/sync.conf" has been applied, [20181115 16:47:50.090] Directory root is "/mnt", [20181115 16:47:50.091] test sha1: AEXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, [20181115 16:47:50.091] test sha2: 630DXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, [20181115 16:47:50.091] test aes: 0A940XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, [20181115 16:47:50.091] diskio_controller created, [20181115 16:47:50.154] webui thread start, [20181115 16:47:50.155] register diskio completion queue with id 0, [20181115 16:47:50.159] 20PeerListenConnection::listen[0x0000563c5xxxxxxxx][8] bound listening socket 8 to IP,

[20181115 16:47:50.159] UDP: UDP: bound listening socket 10 to IP,

[20181115 16:47:50.160] 20HttpListenConnection::listen[0x0000xxxxxxx23200][12] bound listening socket 12 to IP, [20181115 16:47:50.196] register diskio completion queue with id 1, [20181115 16:47:50.198] Create diskio thread for drive with id XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, path: , type: 0, [20181115 16:47:50.198] Create diskio thread for drive with id XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, path: , type: 0, [20181115 16:47:50.198] diskio thread start, drive_id = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, priority = normal, [20181115 16:47:50.198] Create diskio thread for drive with id XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, path: , type: 0, [20181115 16:47:50.198] Create diskio thread for drive with id XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, path: , type: 0, [20181115 16:47:50.198] diskio thread start, drive_id = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, priority = normal, [20181115 16:47:50.199] Loading sync.dat version 2.6.1, current version 2.6.1, [20181115 16:47:50.199] diskio thread start, drive_id = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, priority = normal, [20181115 16:47:50.199] diskio thread start, drive_id = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, priority = normal, [20181115 16:47:50.199] My PeerID: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, [20181115 16:47:50.199] IPv6 is installed, [20181115 16:47:50.200] FolderConfigCache: Initializing domain, [20181115 16:47:50.200] Cached trackers:

Container Log Snippet - References to ~/sabnzbd

[20181115 16:48:50.865] SYS_RES: drive "/mnt/mounted_folders/sabnzbd", id: 64768, capacity: 49874960384, free_space: 32572485632, [20181115 16:48:49.264] API: --> getattr({"action":"getattr","path":"/mnt/mounted_folders/sabnzbd","t":"XXXXX0528799","token":"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"}), [20181115 16:48:49.264] API: <-- getdir({"folders":["/mnt/mounted_folders/sabnzbd/test"]}), [20181115 16:48:49.264] API: --> getdir({"action":"getdir","dir":"/mnt/mounted_folders/sabnzbd","t":"XXXXX0528799","token":"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"}), [20181115 16:48:48.433] API: <-- getdir({"folders":["/mnt/mounted_folders/sabnzbd"]}), [20181115 16:48:37.033] API: --> getattr({"action":"getattr","path":"/mnt/mounted_folders/sabnzbd/test","t":"XXXXXXXXXXXXXX","token":"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"}), [20181115 16:48:37.032] API: --> getdir({"action":"getdir","dir":"/mnt/mounted_folders/sabnzbd/test","t":"XXXXX0516567","token":"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"}), [20181115 16:48:35.430] API: --> getattr({"action":"getattr","path":"/mnt/mounted_folders/sabnzbd","t":"XXXXX0514966","token":"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"}), [20181115 16:48:35.430] API: <-- getdir({"folders":["/mnt/mounted_folders/sabnzbd/test"]}), [20181115 16:48:35.430] API: --> getdir({"action":"getdir","dir":"/mnt/mounted_folders/sabnzbd","t":"XXXXX0514965","token":"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"}), [20181115 16:48:34.349] API: <-- getdir({"folders":["/mnt/mounted_folders/sabnzbd"]}), [20181115 16:47:50.219] SYS_RES: drive "/mnt/mounted_folders/sabnzbd", id: 64768, capacity: 49874960384, free_space: 32572538880

Thank You!