btb / SmartDiskII

An hybrid Disk ][ and SmartPort controller
Apache License 2.0
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unable to get this to work with apple ii floppy drive? #2

Open AP2K94 opened 1 month ago

AP2K94 commented 1 month ago

updated - Hi and thanks for this cool card, had a chance to build one on my holidays (after talking to a few people I tried an older 2732 eprom and it worked with j8 jumper on) with a real floppy drive, boots nice and no issues now so happy with that as can use my real floppy now.

I then borrowed a friends wdrive to test smartport, it works but strange issue occurring - it works with 32mb images in prodos but total replay.hdv wont boot when j8 in disk ii mode but strangely if we remove jumper and reboot it will boot the last image selected (even total replay works?) has anyone else had this issue or knows why this is occurring with total replay, which I think is non prodos based? Again I tried J8 jumper in off position it powers on the wdrive but fails to boot images?

I suspect its an issue with the firmware at U11 but not sure?

I noticed a few solder pads on the back of the pcb near the idc20 headers is there a list for what these are/do? (ps I have not put solder on these/ left them as is)

Any idea what i can test or try next to get this to work :-/

Thanks again from uk

btb commented 1 week ago

The solder pads would be if you were using some kind of custom cable - best to leave them alone.

J8 should only be in place when connecting to (some) actual 5.25" floppy drives, or a drive emulator in 5.25" mode. I believe the wDrive has such a mode but I haven't tested it.

"total replay.hdv" is definitely a prodos hard drive image, so you need J8 to be removed, and the card should be able to boot it. Just like with a real Liron, you may need to run "PR#5" to make it boot (replace "5" with whatever slot number you have the card in)

AP2K94 commented 6 days ago

have done some more testing with wdrive, basically with J8 off it wont boot the wdrive just goes to the prompt, typing PR#7 (card in slot 7) NO DEVICE IS CONNECTED is displayed, typing PR#7 again this time it will boot total replay and works....rebooting the IIe it will then automatically boot total replay, at every reboot...

with J8 jumper on, this time wdrive is booted , however selecting total replay from the menu , it will display softsp booting and crash, however if we immediately reboot the iie it will then boot total replay normally? (just like in the previous example)

It seems like the softsp code is not being assigned properly? It only seems to work correctly on a second reboot?

Interesting that with j8 enabled it works in both 5.25" fdd mode and (smartport mode only after a reboot)

Wondering if there is alternative firmware to try/test? / If there is anything you need me to test happy to help while I still have the borrowed wdrive :-)

thanks again