btc-raspberrypiclub / piclub-bot

The official bot for the BTC Rasperry Pi Club Discord server
MIT License
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Knowledge base lookup #7

Open Agent-E11 opened 2 months ago

Agent-E11 commented 2 months ago

There are ways to train an LLM using documents. We might be able to do this with documents in the club's public resources repo

Agent-E11 commented 2 months ago

I just found this randomly:

For developers, the process of adding RAG features to your app is basically: EMBEDDINGS

  • choose your vector database; pg_vector, chromadb, several others
  • chunk your document into paragraphs or sentences
  • send each chunk through an embedding model locally or use a service like OpenAI
  • store the embeddings and chunks in your db CHAT
  • a user creates a prompt
  • you generate an embedding for this prompt
  • you do a cosine similarity search to find the most relevant documents to your prompt embeddings
  • you receive the top results in a response and send the original prompt + the relavent documents to the model
  • the model returns with a response with additional context you provided

RAG stands for Retrieval-Augmented Generation