btcpayserver / btcpayserver-docker

Docker resources for hosting BTCPayServer easily
MIT License
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lightning network not working on mainnet (btcpayserver-docker v1.4.7.0) #616

Open jomagalo opened 2 years ago

jomagalo commented 2 years ago

I installed docker version of btcpayserver and tested on testnet bitcoind and lnd successfully. But on mainnet network lnd doesn't work. It appears in red with the message "BTC Lightning Node Unavailable".

The allocated disk capacity is 25GB with the option: opt-save-storage-xs

any command entered from the console with ./ gives the following error: ./ stop [lncli] rpc error: code = Unknown desc = verification failed: signature mismatch after caveat verification

Curiously, in Testnet mode it works correctly.


pavlenex commented 2 years ago

You're probably running out of disk space as you have 25GB avaiable but the xs gives you 25GB blockchain size. Look through logs and if so, increase your storage to 30-40GB.

jomagalo commented 2 years ago

I think I didn't explain myself well. The disk is 120GB and configure the node pruned with the option: opt-save-storage-xs

pavlenex commented 2 years ago

Try restarting your server or just look through logs of your lightning node.

jomagalo commented 2 years ago

@pavlenex that doesn't solve anything.