btcsuite / btcutil

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Hash160 from Compressed address #108

Closed jhdscript closed 6 years ago

jhdscript commented 6 years ago

Hello, i Have a question. I m trying to convert a public address (like "1EWVYro91c1rnCBb8ZVKXVasfWGW45VMKT") to hash160 using btcutil.

But I don't finder any helper to do this. Coul you help ?

dajohi commented 6 years ago
package main

import (


var (
        btcaddr = "1EWVYro91c1rnCBb8ZVKXVasfWGW45VMKT"
        btcnet  = &chaincfg.MainNetParams

func main() {
        decAddr, err := btcutil.DecodeAddress(btcaddr, btcnet)
        if err != nil {
                fmt.Printf("DecodeAddress: %v\n", err)

        pkh, ok := decAddr.(*btcutil.AddressPubKeyHash)
        if !ok {
                fmt.Printf("invalid type: %T\n", pkh)

        if !pkh.IsForNet(btcnet) {
                fmt.Printf("address not for %s\n", btcnet.Name)

        fmt.Printf("hash160: %x\n", *pkh.Hash160())
        fmt.Printf("script address: %x\n", pkh.ScriptAddress())
jhdscript commented 6 years ago

Finally i use something like this

deco := base58.Decode("198zMGToZqZh5mFHgfsc2ekMtBVJZQ9ARQ") fmt.Printf("%x",deco[1:21]) return

jrick commented 6 years ago

Instead of asserting it is a concrete type you can also type assert it to an interface that has the Hash160 method, as there are other address types that support it (such as P2SH):

type hash160er interface {
    Hash160() *[20]byte
addrh, ok := addr.(hash160er)
if !ok {
    // address can not return a hash160. it could be a pubkey, in which case you could
    // convert the pubkey to a pubkey hash address, but that is no longer the same address
fmt.Printf("%x\n", addrh.Hash160()[:])

I would not just straight up slice the bytes out of a decoded base58 string.