Open BlueShells opened 8 months ago
I have successfully set up an btcd with segtest , and I want to create some new blocks
So I follow the guide , create a new wallet with command
btcwallet -u rpcuser -P rpcpass --create
and started it
./btcwallet -u test -P "test" --rpclisten --testnet --debuglevel=trace --rpcconnect https://btcd:18334 --cafile rpc.cert
but I failed to get newaddress with command
./btcctl --wallet -u test -P "test" --testnet getnewaddress
I got "-4: blockchain RPC is inactive"
but if I run the same command with "listaccounts"
./btcctl --wallet -u test -P "test" --testnet listaccounts
I could get { "default": 0, "imported": 0 }
{ "default": 0, "imported": 0 }
so I tmp unlock this wallet ./btcctl --wallet -u test -P "test" --testnet walletpassphrase test 30
./btcctl --wallet -u test -P "test" --testnet walletpassphrase test 30
then I could create wallet
./btcctl --wallet -u test -P "test" --testnet createnewaccount abc
and I got this error when create address ./btcctl --wallet -u test -P "test" --testnet getnewaddress abc legacy
./btcctl --wallet -u test -P "test" --testnet getnewaddress abc legacy
-4: blockchain RPC is inactive
version is : btcd-linux-amd64-v0.24.0
I have successfully set up an btcd with segtest , and I want to create some new blocks
So I follow the guide , create a new wallet with command
btcwallet -u rpcuser -P rpcpass --create
and started it
./btcwallet -u test -P "test" --rpclisten --testnet --debuglevel=trace --rpcconnect https://btcd:18334 --cafile rpc.cert
but I failed to get newaddress with command
./btcctl --wallet -u test -P "test" --testnet getnewaddress
I got "-4: blockchain RPC is inactive"
but if I run the same command with "listaccounts"
./btcctl --wallet -u test -P "test" --testnet listaccounts
I could get
{ "default": 0, "imported": 0 }
so I tmp unlock this wallet
./btcctl --wallet -u test -P "test" --testnet walletpassphrase test 30
then I could create wallet
./btcctl --wallet -u test -P "test" --testnet createnewaccount abc
and I got this error when create address
./btcctl --wallet -u test -P "test" --testnet getnewaddress abc legacy
-4: blockchain RPC is inactive
version is :