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Issue on components path on Windows #39

Open laurent-le-graverend opened 11 years ago

laurent-le-graverend commented 11 years ago

    var bowerDirBits =;
    // here for me bowgetDirBits = [ 'app/components' ]
    // and path.sep = "\\"
    var componentsPath = bowerDirBits.join(path.sep);
    // this obsiously is empty

It is maybe not good to rely on path.sep on Windows because of the backslashes.

whyleee commented 9 years ago

I confirm this issue is reproduced if "directory" setting in .bowerrc has path with "/" slashes in Windows. split should be done by any type of slash.

And what's the reason of this chunk of code anyway?

  1. Suppose I have bower components in "app/components" dir
  2. My original script src: "/app/components/jquery/dist/jquery.js"
  3. Replaced by grunt task to: "/app//" which is a broken URL.