bthuronyi / CloneCoordinate

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"Sequencing results" in Minipreps doesn't pull in "sequencing failed" results #105

Open bthuronyi opened 1 week ago

bthuronyi commented 1 week ago

If Sequencing read failed, "Sequencing results" doesn't collect that outcome since it may be stored only in the "Alignment classification" not also in "Alignment interpretation"

ethanjeon commented 3 days ago

"Sequencing results" in Minipreps pulls from "Sequencing alignment summary" in Sequencing, which gathers everything from four consecutive columns (Date interpreted, Interpreted by, Alignment interpretation, Sequencing/QC results).

Could we simply extend this range one or three columns to the left ((Date aligned, Aligned by,) Alignment classification)? This would capture any failed sequencing results that might not be present in the alignment interpretations.

bthuronyi commented 13 hours ago

That works, with the only disadvantage being clutter, since most "Alignment classification" values are not informative. I think better would be to check the value of "Alignment classification" and report it in the summary (instead of "Alignment interpretation") if it's a failure type. The date aligned/aligned by is also not probably very interesting/useful in the context of reviewing this summary.