bthuronyi / CloneCoordinate

CloneCoordinate issue tracking
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Make all Status and Queueing validity check and other user output messages in non-header rows consistent case #172

Open bthuronyi opened 2 months ago

bthuronyi commented 2 months ago

Many cells, especially Status, Queueing validity check, and some other columns, output message text to users. It would be nice to make all of this text lowercase only (no initial capital) because that simplifies REGEXMATCH and also presents a consistent style. Probably one can locate all the uppercase messages by searching with the regex \"[A-Z].

I still like sentence case for header row messages though.

bthuronyi commented 2 months ago

As part of this change, revise all regexmatch patterns in formulas like "[Cc]omplete" to "complete" since we can assume lowercase. Remove uses of LOWER on status messages. Again, searching on the regex pattern \"\[ would find these