bthuronyi / CloneCoordinate

CloneCoordinate issue tracking
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Enhance Tracker with algorithmic troubleshooting recommendations #56

Open bthuronyi opened 1 month ago

bthuronyi commented 1 month ago

Based on our own understanding or ideally on analysis of previous debug steps, suggest concrete steps to users in Tracker for constructs that need troubleshooting, then rank troubleshooting jobs by complexity and validity of recommendations

bthuronyi commented 2 weeks ago

Case we've commonly encountered: assembly, 1 attempt, no colonies after transformation; one or more PCRs probably failed

bthuronyi commented 2 weeks ago

We can consider supplying a new tab on the Tracker to provide debug advice, because it can be set up to accept a construct name and devote an entire tab -- with multiple rows/columns -- to giving recommendations for it. This can include presenting requeuing-related fields to copy/paste directly into CC!

bthuronyi commented 6 days ago

The Tracker can algorithmically incorporate the same outputs we currently generate manually using this accessory sheet:

Checking for track records of each dID to decide which are probably ok and which are suspicious

bthuronyi commented 6 days ago

Similar approach can use Golden Gate "whitelist" data as well as part track records to suggest changes