bthuronyi / CloneCoordinate

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Generic "Asst" sheet, read #61

Closed bthuronyi closed 10 hours ago

bthuronyi commented 3 weeks ago

Separate sheet that lets you view information about an arbitrary set of entities from CC side by side. Could display fixed set of info based on the ID type, or let you flexibly display different columns selected from a dropdown... could get very complex, but start simpler!

shen2333333 commented 1 week ago

I just got started on this:

  1. One dropdown specify the specific "tab" to read , e.g. Oligo o
  2. Another dropdown specify the column to read, e.g. column A

Here's a demo, see if it's on the right track.

bthuronyi commented 6 days ago

Nice, this is a good start. What I would really like is to have drop-down options that show not the column letter but instead, say, the value in row 2 for that column (the descriptive header) in column order. That feels like it would be enough info to use it without having to click back and forth to the source tab.

Then for the column contents, we would want to let the user enter which ID(s) to show data for, and look up the corresponding rows for each column.

shen2333333 commented 6 days ago

Currently support up to 7 columns (could add more if necessary,), and arbitrary number of IDs, see example images below image (4) image (5)

shen2333333 commented 2 days ago

@bthuronyi Thanks for the further improvement! I consider it done, any further adjustment will be minor.

bthuronyi commented 14 hours ago

Tweaked a little further, allowing user to specify whether they want to pull column entries from a single tab or from multiple different tabs, in a dropdown. Implemented in main CC and opened for group comments.