bthuronyi / CloneCoordinate

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Assemblies "Queueing validity check" gives error if dID part not queued #78

Closed bthuronyi closed 2 months ago

bthuronyi commented 3 months ago

Assemblies "Queueing validity check" maybe? gives an error if a dID part is not certified as queued. Should it? Probably not, for certain kinds of queueing issues on the dID.

santiagochrist commented 2 months ago

I think I need some clarification. I tested out a case that outputs "✓ Junctions verified!" before checking the "Certify correctly queued" box, and adding an imaginary dID (i.e., d7777) returns "Junction error: check parts!," at which point the Status column prompts the user to "certify queueing!"

Would it be that you are talking about a case where valid dIDs still throw out an error? Let's talk about it whenever you can.

santiagochrist commented 2 months ago

Talked with B, and came with this solution in the Status column (F):

countif(AJ38:AQ38,"*(don't use)*")>0,"part unavailable!",
countif(AJ38:AQ38,"certify queueing!")>0, "certify dID queueing!", // prompt user to certify dsDNAs used in assembly
countif(P38:W38,"<>")<>countif(AJ38:AQ38,"*done*"),"wait on part",

The AJ38:AQ38 range was updated from AJ38:AN38 to account for the status of all 8 parts making up the assembly. Since these cells pull from the dsDNA d sheet, we simply prompt the user to certify them in that sheet if they're not already checked off (middle line).