btoews / OctoGAS

GitHub Email Notifications Google Apps Script for Gmail
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work with label github-pending rather than inbox #14

Open ross opened 9 years ago

ross commented 9 years ago

i just set up a single filter in gmail to put all github notifications in to a folder named Github/Pending and then made the changes in this commit to work off of that rather than my inbox. things are moved out of pending after processing so it doesn't grow over time.

it's just hacked in to the since i'm not familar with coffee script and i was in the middle of all day onboarding when i did it. it should be pretty simple to make it an alternate mode rather than hard coded this way.

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mislav commented 9 years ago

Not a fan of this approach. This requires people to manually set a Gmail filter (not sure if one can be set for them programatically). Detecting new messages since the last run can more easily be handled with an approach I described in

ross commented 9 years ago

as mentioned i had to get stuff out of my inbox b/c android notifications were firing too quickly. i assume others will have that same issue so this might be worth adding as an option/feature even if the filter needs to be manually setup.