btrask / stronglink

A searchable, syncable, content-addressable notetaking system
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Range queries #44

Open btrask opened 9 years ago

btrask commented 9 years ago

Note: this issue is NOT about HTTP range requests (see #98).

Right now our query system only supports strict equivalence for meta-data filters. We should normalize to be case insensitive. More importantly, we should allow <, <=, >, >= operations.

The problem is that when using an ordered KV-store, doing a prefix lookup gives us the results in order, which we rely on (the table we use here is SLNFieldValueAndMetaFileID). If we do a range lookup, the results (meta-file ID) are in effectively random order.

The solution is a higher order index, but I'm not sure which one or how to implement it. Maybe r-trees. It still has to be ACID and write-optimized, so we should find a way to build it on top of our existing database layer.