btwael / mammouth

Unfancy PHP
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Scope Resolution Operator (::) #8

Closed huynhminhson closed 10 years ago

huynhminhson commented 10 years ago

I met an issue with Scope Resolution Operator (::), mammouth cannot parse it.

btwael commented 10 years ago

Hey @huynhminhson, can you write for use an example, and how it will be compiled?? and we will work on it and tnx :)

huynhminhson commented 10 years ago

Hi, below is the code and its error for your reference :) I expected it will be compiled to


{ [SyntaxError: Expected "!", "!=", "!==", "%", "%=", "&", "&&", "&=", "(", "*", "*=", "+", "++", "+=", ",", "-", "--", "-=", "->", ".", ".=", "/", "/*", "//", "/=", "<", "<<", "<<=", "<=", "=", "==", "===", ">", ">=", ">>", ">>=", ">>>", ">>>=", "?", "NULL", "None", "[", "\\", "\n", "\r", "\r\n", "^", "^=", "`", "and", "class", "false", "for", "if", "namespace", "new", "of", "or", "switch", "this", "true", "try", "while", "|", "|=", "||", "}}", "~", [ \t], comment, identifier, number, string or whitespace but ":" found.]
  name: 'SyntaxError',
   [ '"!"',
     '[ \\t]',
     'whitespace' ],
  found: ':',
  message: 'Expected "!", "!=", "!==", "%", "%=", "&", "&&", "&=", "(", "*", "*=", "+", "++", "+=", ",", "-", "--", "-=", "->", ".", ".=", "/", "/*", "//", "/=", "<", "<<", "<<=", "<=", "=", "==", "===", ">", ">=", ">>", ">>=", ">>>", ">>>=", "?", "NULL", "None", "[", "\\\\", "\\n", "\\r", "\\r\\n", "^", "^=", "`", "and", "class", "false", "for", "if", "namespace", "new", "of", "or", "switch", "this", "true", "try", "while", "|", "|=", "||", "}}", "~", [ \\t], comment, identifier, number, string or whitespace but ":" found.',
  offset: 8,
  line: 2,
  column: 5 }
btwael commented 10 years ago

For this time, Mammouth don't support Scope Resolution Operator, I'm now studying PHP Scope Resolution Operator, and trying to find a quick equivalent for this feature. in Mammouth, m.s is compiled to $m->s. If you have any suggestions, you're welcome.

btwael commented 10 years ago

Hey, @huynhminhson, see this now:{{%0AMage%3A%3Aapp%28%29.getId%28%29%0A}} this feature is available since v0.2.2, update mammouth now via npm or download the Github Repo. tnx again

huynhminhson commented 10 years ago

Thanks for for your quick reply and action. However there is another small issue.

{{ Mage::app().getId() }}
is now compiled to
but it should be

(without $, Mage is a class, not a variable)

btwael commented 10 years ago

@huynhminhson, I have only one question to fix this, are Mage, in your example can be a variable like this?? in PHP

$Mage = new Class()


$Mage = new Class()

I'm not good in PHP :(

huynhminhson commented 10 years ago

Mage is a predefined class, Mage::app() is to call method app() in class Mage.

class Mage {
public function app() {

The right syntax is


btwael commented 10 years ago

I had found this example in php documentation:

class MyClass
    const CONSTANT = 'constant value';

    function showConstant() {
        echo  self::CONSTANT . "\n";

echo MyClass::CONSTANT . "\n";

$classname = "MyClass";
echo $classname::CONSTANT . "\n"; // As of PHP 5.3.0

$class = new MyClass();

echo $class::CONSTANT."\n";

I think that Mammouth compiler should be written from zero, because the current compiler can't do a difference between classes and variables.