bu-cnso / git-introduction

A brief introduction to git and GitHub
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Personal projects #9

Closed effigies closed 8 years ago

effigies commented 8 years ago

Plan: Discuss creating a git repository in the midst of an existing project.

Comments welcome as I work.

effigies commented 8 years ago

Okay. I think this is ready to go.

Any comments?

edeno commented 8 years ago

Quick comments:

  1. This is pretty advanced, though perhaps people will find it useful as a reference.
  2. I think using the word "simulation" is confusing.
  3. This phrase: "Github is merely auxilliary to this mode of working" could probably be more simply stated in plain language like "Github isn't necessary for using git. Some alternatives are..blah. Their advantages are blah"
  4. There probably needs to be more space between the images following "create a github repository" and "like so", because it's hard to distinguish.