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Documentation Link setup in Admin #267

Open acketon opened 3 years ago

acketon commented 3 years ago


Original Request

In custom themes we add a documentation link to the menu bar. I believe this is done via PHP like in Theology theme here: https://github.com/bu-ist/r-theology/blob/e81600b0ec23a84c70ed1b738c11af8a8952912b/functions.php#L532

However, in Custom CSS only sites and/or Companion theme sites there is not a method to do this via the admin. I propose adding a site option and/or admin settings page that would allow ID Admins the ability to add the url to the documentation site from within the WP admin instead of doing it in code only.

ashleykolodziej commented 3 years ago

Next steps:

ashleykolodziej commented 3 years ago

Alana wrote some good use cases for this over here: https://github.com/bu-ist/responsive-framework-1x/issues/245

saucyrooster commented 9 months ago

Additionally, I believe that the documentation should be a standard theme/look & feel across ALL documentation. ie: Child themes, products and plugins. Proposed Mocks