Open xleyba opened 5 years ago
Hi @xleyba,
To get value of query params in fasthttp (independently of router you are using) , use ctx.URI().QueryArgs().Peek("accountId")
it's not necessary to add any extra functionalty to this router
Hi Sergio
Thanks for your answer but I am affraid it is not working. I mean, if I define my route as router.GET("/customer/account/detail", myHandler.customerAccountDetailHandler)
and the try to call my service like:
What a I get is a "not found" message. I assume due to the router is not recognising such route. Am I wrong?
Yes, the router does not recognize the route. Could you share a bit part of your code, please!
In the main func I have this:
// Used to pass a DB as a parameter
myHandler := &MyHandler{
myDB: db,
// Set a router mux
router := fasthttprouter.New()
// Use reuse port tool
ln, err := reuseport.Listen("tcp4", viper.GetString("port"))
if err != nil {
log.Fatal().Msgf("error in reuseport listener: %s", err)
// Defining server
srv := &fasthttp.Server{
//WriteTimeout: time.Second * 60,
ReadTimeout: time.Second * 1,
//IdleTimeout: time.Second * 120,
SleepWhenConcurrencyLimitsExceeded: time.Second * 5,
Handler: router.Handler,
// Lanuch server in a thread
go func() {
fmt.Println("Starting server...")
log.Info().Msg("Starting server...")
if err := srv.Serve(ln); err != nil {
log.Panic().Msgf("%s", err)
And in my handler I have this:
// Retrieves all the customer account movements
func (h *MyHandler) customerAccountMovementsHandler(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) {
fmt.Printf("AccountId: %s, Sort: %s, Asc: %s",
Some people recommended me to fix it by stop using fasthttprouter anduse the default fasthttp handlers instead but I would like to be sure that it is imposible to fix it with the router...
Thanks in advance J
I recommend you to use this router, it's maintained by fasthttp team.
Try with it, and let my know if works.
And modify your handler like this:
// Retrieves all the customer account movements
func (h *MyHandler) customerAccountMovementsHandler(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) {
args := ctx.URI().QueryArgs()
fmt.Printf("AccountId: %s, Sort: %s, Asc: %s",
Yes, it worked fine. Thanks! Should I expect a worst performance by using that instead of fasthttprouter?
Don't worry about performance.
The router has a improvements in performance respect to fasthttprouter.
You could see the benchmarks images in Readme.
Ok, thanks a lot! :)
I have followed the examples and defined a router like this:
router.GET("/customer/account/detail/:accountId", myHandler.customerAccountDetailHandler)
And call to my service as http://locahost:9296/customer/account/detail/2
But I realised that I do not want to have the parameters as part of the endpoint , I rather prefer to use normal parameters by calling my service like this:
Is it possible to be done with fasthttprouter? How?
Thanks in advance J