bubbaspaarx / react-cloudinary-upload-widget

react wrapper for cloudinary upload widget
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Unable to scroll after successful upload #10

Open r4881t opened 2 years ago

r4881t commented 2 years ago
  1. I'm using "react-cloudinary-upload-widget": "^1.4.4",
  2. I added the widget in my page. Code goes below

                            resourceType={'auto'} // optionally set with 'auto', 'image', 'video' or 'raw' -> default = 'auto'
                            cloudName={'dn'} // your cloudinary account cloud name.
                            // Located on https://cloudinary.com/console/
                            uploadPreset={'etqcmjok'} // check that an upload preset exists and check mode is signed or unisgned
                            buttonText={'Choose File'} // default 'Upload Files'
                                  color: 'white',
                                  border: 'none',
                                  width: '120px',
                                  backgroundColor: 'rgb(3 105 161)',
                                  borderRadius: '4px',
                                  height: '28px'
                                }} // inline styling only or style id='cloudinary_upload_button'
                            cropping={false} // set ability to crop images -> default = true
                            // https://support.cloudinary.com/hc/en-us/articles/203062071-How-to-crop-images-via-the-Upload-Widget-#:~:text=Click%20on%20the%20%22Edit%22%20link,OK%22%20and%20Save%20the%20changes.
                            // more information here on cropping. Coordinates are returned or upload preset needs changing
                            multiple={false} // set to false as default. Allows multiple file uploading
                            // will only allow 1 file to be uploaded if cropping set to true
                            autoClose={true} // will close the widget after success. Default true
                            onSuccess={successCallBack} // add success callback -> returns result
                            onFailure={failureCallBack} // add failure callback -> returns 'response.error' + 'response.result'
                            logging={false} // logs will be provided for success and failure messages,
                            // set to false for production -> default = true
                            customPublicId={'sample'} // set a specific custom public_id.
                            // To use the file name as the public_id use 'use_filename={true}' parameter
                            //  eager={'w_400,h_300,c_pad|w_260,h_200,c_crop'} // add eager transformations -> deafult = null
                            use_filename={false} // tell Cloudinary to use the original name of the uploaded
                            // file as its public ID -> default = true,

                              palette: {
                                window: '#737373',
                                windowBorder: '#FFFFFF',
                                tabIcon: '#FF9600',
                                menuIcons: '#D7D7D8',
                                textDark: '#DEDEDE',
                                textLight: '#FFFFFF',
                                link: '#0078FF',
                                action: '#FF620C',
                                inactiveTabIcon: '#B3B3B3',
                                error: '#F44235',
                                inProgress: '#0078FF',
                                complete: '#20B832',
                                sourceBg: '#909090'
                              fonts: {
                                default: null,
                                "'Fira Sans', sans-serif": {
                                  url: 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Fira+Sans',
                                  active: true
                            }} // ability to customise the style of the widget uploader
                            destroy={true} // will destroy the widget on completion

                            // 👇 FOR SIGNED UPLOADS ONLY 👇

                            // generateSignatureUrl={'http://localhost:8080/generate_signature/'} // pass the api
                            // // endpoint for generating a signature -> check cloudinary docs and SDK's for signing uploads
                            // apiKey="MY_API_KEY" // cloudinary API key -> number format
                            // accepts={'application/json'} // for signed uploads only -> default = 'application/json'
                            // contentType={'application/json'} // for signed uploads only -> default = 'application/json'
                            // withCredentials={true} // default = true -> check axios documentation for more information
                            // unique_filename={true} // setting it to false, you can tell Cloudinary not to attempt to make
                            // // the Public ID unique, and just use the normalized file name -> default = true

  1. When the widget successfully uploads the file, I am unable to scroll (for some weird reason).

Any help? Thanks.

r4881t commented 2 years ago

After some play, I found that if I set destroy={false} and let the user close the window, it works okay. The setting of autoClose has no impact on this behaviour.

bubbaspaarx commented 2 years ago

I'm unable to recreate this issue. Have you got an example (jsfiddle, codepen etc) where you can demonstrate this. The only thing that destroy does is remove the widget iframe entirely.