When using table.skip(skipX).take(takeX) I run into empty datasets when skipX > 999.
I tracked it to JetCommand.cs line 288:
string stringTopCount = _WrappedCommand.CommandText.Substring(indexOfTop + 4, indexOfTopEnd - indexOfTop).Trim();
The SubString is off by one. Up to 3 digits it is fine but 4 digits gets truncated to 3, so 1100 becomes 110. My fix is:
When using table.skip(skipX).take(takeX) I run into empty datasets when skipX > 999.
I tracked it to JetCommand.cs line 288:
string stringTopCount = _WrappedCommand.CommandText.Substring(indexOfTop + 4, indexOfTopEnd - indexOfTop).Trim();
The SubString is off by one. Up to 3 digits it is fine but 4 digits gets truncated to 3, so 1100 becomes 110. My fix is:
string stringTopCount = _WrappedCommand.CommandText.Substring(indexOfTop + 5, indexOfTopEnd - indexOfTop).Trim();
becasue " top " is 5 chars long.
I was surprised to not get the same error with SKIP but I see you handle that SubString differently. On line 300 you have
string stringSkipCount = _WrappedCommand.CommandText.Substring(indexOfSkip + 5).Trim();
which I think should be a 6 for the same reason:
string stringSkipCount = _WrappedCommand.CommandText.Substring(indexOfSkip + 6).Trim();
Just to be consistent. It doesn't show the same problem but maybe some edge case will trip it up.
Hope that helps. In a selfish note, any chance of getting this in an RC2? I can't use the source, have to rely on the Nuget package.