0. What version of Reaver are you using? (Only defects against the latest
version will be considered.)
1. What operating system are you using (Linux is the only supported OS)?
Backtrack 5 r3
2. Is your wireless card in monitor mode (yes/no)?
3. What is the signal strength of the Access Point you are trying to crack?
4. What is the manufacturer and model # of the device you are trying to
5. What is the entire command line string you are supplying to reaver?
reaver -i mon0 -b 00:25:3C:12:3F:09 -vv
6. Please describe what you think the issue is.
When I run reaver with the above command, I get 3 lines.
Waiting for beacon from 00:25:3C:12:3F:09
Switching from mon0 to channel 1
Associated with 00:25:3C:12:3F:09 (ESSID: Hello)
at this point nothing else happens, and it just hangs forever. Another symptom
I've noticed is that when I try to run
wash -i mon0
it doesn't actually come up with results, just a bunch of ----------
However, if I try to scan with airodump-ng mon0, I get results, though it
doesn't stop completing the scan ever.
Is my card just incompatible with reaver? Monitor mode seems to fine.
7. Paste the output from Reaver below.
Waiting for beacon from 00:25:3C:12:3F:09
Switching from mon0 to channel 1
Associated with 00:25:3C:12:3F:09 (ESSID: Hello)
Original issue reported on code.google.com by sprintfo...@gmail.com on 13 Feb 2013 at 11:13
Original issue reported on code.google.com by
on 13 Feb 2013 at 11:13