bucanero / apollo-ps3

Apollo Save Tool (PS3)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Platinum Trophy #111

Closed DrkShadows117 closed 1 year ago

DrkShadows117 commented 1 year ago

I commited a big mistake... I've earned all the SP trophies in GTA V on PS3... As you may know the MP is no longer available for users like us, owners of a PS3.

I decided to give me the MP trophies to be able to get the platinum but when I did that all the trophies have synced with my PSN account and now I have all the trophies on GTA V but the platinum is missing with the 100% of trophies.

I was unable to remove any trophies because they have been already synced. I know it's impossible to remove any trophies already synced to PSN but maybe in a future we will be able also to give ourselves the platinum?

Is it possible to add that to the next update? By now I already know how to give myself a platinum but I need to leave a trophy to get it on my own while playing...

I would really like to fix this 100% without platinum, it's quite disgusting...

If there is already a solution to this problem let me know about it, I've just tried your apk some days ago and I don't know very well how to use it yet.

I hope you can fix that, let me know if there is something we can do.

Have a nice day.

DrkShadows117 commented 1 year ago

I forgot to say that actually I am in 4.90 + HEN and trophy unlocker is not working for me... I don't know if it is an important information to share.

DrkShadows117 commented 1 year ago

Hey, good news boys/girls... I've found a new solution to this problem...

All you have to do is create a new user inside your PS3, it may also work with another PS3. The most important thing is that you mustn't vinculate any PSN account.

Give yourself almost all the trophies and leave one, the easiest one, just play the game until you get the last trophy, after that you should get the platinum.

The next step consists in removing the user synced to your main PSN account, make sure all your trophies are synced. (Don't do it now, keep reading first).

I think it doesn't work if you log out from one user and then sync with the other one. You will recieve a message saying that this PSN account is already synced in another user. (At least this is what happened to me in HFW 4.90).

You will lose all your savedatas, if you want to keep them make sure to copy them to your new user and make sure to remove the user of the savedata with Apollo Save Tool. (If you don't do it you will be unable to use the savedata).

I recommend to check if you can use the savedatas before deleting your main user. (If you have a lot of savedatas that you want to keep this will take some time).

When you have done all the things I've told before you just have to sync all the trophies you've earned with your main PSN account.

If you have a lot of trophies it will take some time, just let the console work and don't touch anything.

It's good to know that the thropies you've earned before will keep the date when you got them. (That's a good point).

Note 1: This trick may not work sometimes, when I tried for the first time an error message appeared and the platinum didn't sync properly... I thought I was unable to fix that problem and I've lost all the hope.

But today I decided to try again and it worked, I've tried a lot of methods and this one was the only one that worked.

So, if you do it once and it doesn't work try it again, repeat all the process and this problem should be fixed. (Just be patient, nerves are not good).

Note 2: To sync your trophies just go to trophies, don't go to anywhere else first because you can get the same error as me.

So, I can hapily say this problem is fixed, I will close the trend but I would like to leave it here so if anybody has the same problem will know what to do if this happens to them. (I know for sure it may be a common problem).

DrkShadows117 commented 1 year ago

I need to reopen this post, now Apollo Save Tool is working very bad. I really don't know what's happening...

If I give myself all the trophies or almost all of them, most of them won't count for the percentatge. I don't know why but they appear!

I can have one game with almost all trophies but only in 44%.

It also broke my trophies from another game, it deleted all the ones I've got playing on my own and only kept the ones I gave to myself because I was unable to get them because online mode doesn't exsist anymore.

I've tried everything, rebooting, reinstalling HFW + HEN, reinstalling Apollo, creating new users and deleting old ones, deleting trophy folders...

I've also tried to give them to me one by one but there are specific ones that don't count for the percentage... Sometimes I think it doesn't follow any specific order.

The games that expect this problem are GTA5, Red Dead Redemption and Uncharted 2. (And probably now the rest of them).

I didn't expect this problem before, I really don't know what is happening...

I am so sad and disappointed, this is one of the few consoles I ever had in my life... I've found it some months ago and I decided to get some trophies...

It looked so ugly when I was unable to get some, I wanted to get 100%. (Online mode is almost dead).

And now I don't even want to play... It just destroyed everything, all my efforts were dusted by the fails of apollo...

There is any chance that somebody will fix that or at least will give me a solution?

I don't know why I ever gave myself the first trophy, playing is not funny anymore.

I just consider I have too many bad luck, I will never be able to do something without getting in any trouble.

DrkShadows117 commented 1 year ago

PS: When I try to sync pressing triangle this error appears arround 15% [error 80022D68].

If I do it normally it just jumps from 15% to 100% so fast and nothing changes.

bucanero commented 1 year ago

"Trophies" code is based on the PS3TrophyIsGood PC tool, if you have issues with Apollo you can try the PC tool and compare. This was originally tested with 4.84, and it's possible that server changes in 4.90 turned this code incompatible.

It was never meant for cheating and syncing, so if you want to keep your account data in shape I suggest to earn trophies by playing and avoid tampering the files.

DrkShadows117 commented 1 year ago

Yes, it worked, at least for GTA5. Now I will explain how I fixed it (who knows if it can be useful for somebody).

I have a broken platinum trophy in RDR1 (I think that's what's giving me problems when syncing with PSN); the hour is a value under the minimum but I think I know how to fix it (I explain in the end).

I've downloaded PS3TrophyIsGood, after that I put on my USB the trophy folders of the games I want to fix (with MultiMan).

Then I went back to my computer and I've opened the folder of GTA5 (with PS3TrophyIsGood).

I made pictures of the hour and date when I got all the other trophies (this is very important now you will know why).

After that I went to advanced settings and I gave myself an instant platinum (I was unable to do it in another way)...

It gave random hours and dates to my trophies, that's a huge mess... O.o

So, I had to fix the trophy hours and dates one by one (It takes time, make sure you place the same information you had before, be patient).

After this I just decided which date I want for my platinum and I saved the changes.

Then I plugged the USB again in my PS3 and I went back to MultiMan and I replaced the old folder with the one I changed with PS3TrophyIsGood. (You can keep backups, IDK if something can go wrong).

After that I restarted my PS3, I logged into my PSN account and the platinum appeared. (It won't appear until you sync with PSN).

For the RDR1 I will have to repeat the first steps but first of all I will have to remove the broken platinum trophy (you can do it with PS3TrophyIsGood).

I just clicked on it and when it asked if I want to remove it I choosed yes.

After that I will have to give me again an instant platinum. (Make sure you are able to change the hour and date of the platinum trophy without any error window appearing).

After that just follow the steps I mentioned in the beggining of this comment.

Closed and fixed at least for me.