buchizo / ClaudiaIDE

This extension can change easily the background image of editor window in Visual Studio.
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ClaudiaIDE package did not load correctly #137

Closed KyleMuncie closed 1 year ago

KyleMuncie commented 1 year ago

Screenshot 2022-10-07 080409

ClaudiaIDE not working. Potentially something I must have updated? Does anyone know how to fix this? I am using Microsoft Visual Studio 2022. I've tried everything here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17574089/how-can-i-fix-the-microsoft-visual-studio-error-package-did-not-load-correctly?page=1&tab=scoredesc#tab-top

buchizo commented 1 year ago

@KyleMuncie Could you provide ActivityLog.xml to me? (path is in it dialog) And what is your Visual Studio detail version? (e.g. Ver 17.3.5 as follows: image

KyleMuncie commented 1 year ago

Version: 17.2.6: I changed the XML file to a txt file in order to send. ActivityLog.txt


buchizo commented 1 year ago

@KyleMuncie I guess this issue's case is depends from VSSDK version. I'll backdate package. Or your VIsual Studio update latest version (17.3.5), if possible.

KyleMuncie commented 1 year ago

@buchizo Updating to 17.3.5 solved my problem. Thank you!!!!!!