buchizo / ClaudiaIDE

This extension can change easily the background image of editor window in Visual Studio.
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提示内存溢出 #143

Open deakintsang opened 1 year ago

deakintsang commented 1 year ago

图片27张,共25M。 开了两个VS,(Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 版本 16.11.21); 第二天出现下图报错; image 1672102277934

buchizo commented 1 year ago


buchizo commented 1 year ago

I guess this exception from .NET Framework (WriteableBitmap) issue. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8352787/how-to-free-the-memory-after-the-bitmapimage-is-no-longer-needed


deakintsang commented 1 year ago


  • Do you always get an error?
  • Does it occur when the image file size is large? Doesn't it happen if it's small?
  • If you are setting SoftEdge, can you set it to 0?

出现了多次了; 最大的图片,2M;可能是图片太大的问题,播放到此图片就会报错。


deakintsang commented 1 year ago

I guess this exception from .NET Framework (WriteableBitmap) issue. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8352787/how-to-free-the-memory-after-the-bitmapimage-is-no-longer-needed


  • Set SoftEdgeX and SoftEdgeY proerties to 0.

But I want to SoftEdge

buchizo commented 1 year ago

But I want to SoftEdge

Yes, I'll fix it, but not yet.

buchizo commented 1 year ago

Maybe this issue fixed by ver 3.1.11. (optimize load image process and remove leak of WriteableBitmap)

deakintsang commented 1 year ago

Maybe this issue fixed by ver 3.1.11. (optimize load image process and remove leak of WriteableBitmap) 3.1.11还是有问题 1672880558356

buchizo commented 1 year ago

@deakintsang I doesn't occurred in my environment using 32MB png image (6k x 4k) file on Visual Studio 2019. Can you share your image to me?

deakintsang commented 1 year ago

@deakintsang I doesn't occurred in my environment using 32MB png image (6k x 4k) file on Visual Studio 2019. Can you share your image to me?

打开两个项目,第二天,其中一个出错,另一个正常 image

图片是 jpg,2K 图片请见链接: https://github.com/deakintsang/vs_background

buchizo commented 1 year ago

I try test long running Visual Studio using slideshow with your images.

image image

In my environment, I could not find memory leak and doesn't occurred this exception.

buchizo commented 1 year ago

Next day

image image

deakintsang commented 1 year ago

这几天正常,没有内存溢出报错。 但是有无响应 image

buchizo commented 1 year ago


What's mean?

deakintsang commented 1 year ago

image 刚刚,VS上下滚动时出现此情况

deakintsang commented 1 year ago


What's mean?

Visual Studio no response

buchizo commented 1 year ago


Is the "User hardware graphics acceleration if available" option enabled?


Visual Studio no response

When it occurred? every time? Could you tell me your environment? (os ver/arch/memory, e.t.c.)

deakintsang commented 1 year ago

image 刚刚出错了

deakintsang commented 1 year ago


Is the "User hardware graphics acceleration if available" option enabled?


Visual Studio no response

When it occurred? every time? Could you tell me your environment? (os ver/arch/memory, e.t.c.)



buchizo commented 1 year ago

Could you disable this option (automatically adust visual experiance ___)? image

deakintsang commented 1 year ago




buchizo commented 1 year ago
deakintsang commented 1 year ago

I'm guessing that the BitmapSource doesn't take responsibility for freeing this object.

mavnp commented 1 year ago

image 刚刚,VS上下滚动时出现此情况
