buchizo / ClaudiaIDE

This extension can change easily the background image of editor window in Visual Studio.
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No image at all #204

Closed Derubosuke closed 1 month ago

Derubosuke commented 1 month ago

For some reason I cannot set a simple background, the first time I used the extension it worked fine, closed and opened the same project a few times and was fine, but after I opened a different project it stopped showing anything, from then it didn't work at all, already tried uninstalling and installing the extension, moving configs and cannot get a hint of what happened. I'm sorry if this is not the place to post this

buchizo commented 1 month ago

If you find .claudiaideconfig file in solution's folder, remove it. That file is specific settings for same folder's Visual Studio solution and priority high compare than general settings (in option menu).

Derubosuke commented 1 month ago

its not there, and actually, tried to create one, pressing save doesn't make one and creating one manually and saving doesn't put anything on it

buchizo commented 1 month ago

Hmm, If possible could you collect Visual Studio log and share to here?


Derubosuke commented 1 month ago

It has something to do with the color theme to use. Opening a project on light mode works totally fine, but on changing back to dark mode breaks again. If i still don't close the session and change back to light works again, but if I open visual studio on dark mode the extension doesn't work at all. Also trying to open visual a project on devenv with dark mode from the start crashes visual studio. This is the one that opens visual studio on light mode and i changed to dark mode while on that session: ActivityLog1.txt This is the one that crashes when trying to open on dark mode in devenv: ActivityLog2.txt and the configs for both if they have any use: dark light Right now I'm ok, I'm just gonna leave it on light mode but if there is anything else i can do i can keep assisting on this

buchizo commented 1 month ago

What is ClaudiaIDE - General option value?

And I found crash log in your log. Maybe ClaudiaIDE crash by slideshow setting. However your settings is not use slideshow.

If possible, could you set correct image folder full path to SlideShow - Directory Path?

Derubosuke commented 1 month ago

ClaudiaIDE - General = light when it works, when is dark ClaudiaIDE stops working

SlideShow - Directory Path = AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\17.0_6c0aa958\Extensions\rxb1xg2m.rhw\Images

Just when ClaudiaIDE - General = dark it stops working

buchizo commented 1 month ago

Hmm, I guess your Visual Studio version is 17.0.34728.72 from log. This is old version maybe, if possible could you upgrade your Visual Studio?

if ClaudiaIDE general property is use system, ClaudiaIDE is automatic choose dark theme or light theme settings by system color theme. if possible you should use 'light' theme only.

Derubosuke commented 1 month ago

English is not my first language so its a bit hard to follow 😅 .

buchizo commented 1 month ago


I found root cause. please set Dark theme - SlideShow - update interval property to greater than or equal to 00:00:01


Derubosuke commented 1 month ago

that is correct, it works tysm