buckets / application

Buckets Desktop Application
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+50 -50 doesn't change want #182

Open iffy opened 6 years ago

iffy commented 6 years ago

I have a bucket that wants $100, and I put $50 in, but then I realized I didn't want it in that bucket, so I did -$50 but the want column stayed at $50

iffy commented 6 years ago

I'm not exactly sure how to fix this because it can get tricky trying to determine if the in/out of a transaction is meant to affect Want. For instance, we recently had a surplus in our babysitting bucket, so we moved a bunch out toward other buckets. The bucket still got its rain that month (we didn't want the Want to go down); we were just using it for stuff.

Limezy commented 6 years ago

I'm not sure to understand this issue ? If I have a bucket that wants 100. I put 50 in, then 50 out, the want stays at 100 ! [EDIT] OK understood, you mean the first value on the small frame.

Limezy commented 6 years ago

Why these issues ?

To solve this issue, I believe you need to have an exact philosophy about what what are « Want » , « Activity », "In"... Problem is, as you say it, the philosophy of those depend on the way you use a bucket ! And as you point it out on this thread https://github.com/buckets/application/issues/86, we have the same bucket for different usages !

This is why I believe the problem can be easily solved by introducing new types of buckets, each of which will have different ways of dealing with new rain, want...

Allow me introduce you those buckets

The "measuring glass" bucket

I believe this should be the standard bucket (apart from plain old bucket).

The Want behaviour

The Transfers and transactions behaviour

The "overflow" bucket

The Want behaviour

The Transfers and transactions behaviour

The piggybank bucket

The Want behaviour

The Transfers and transactions behaviour

The Save Z/mo until infinity bucket

Sorry, just figured out this one is exactly the same as piggybank !

Do these new buckets solve your problems ?

Yes, I believe so !

Limezy commented 6 years ago

Sorry did some edits to make things more clear.

Limezy commented 6 years ago

Regarding "In" and "Activity" behaviours, In a nutshell, for me the "In" should reflect the sum of transfers made to the bucket (including rain) The "Activity" sould reflect the sum of transactions corresponding to the bucket

Therefore we always have this equation true no matter which bucket we are in

Last month's last day's balance+In+Activity=Current balance

Which IMHO really makes more sense and has a mathematic consistency

Limezy commented 6 years ago

Therefore, when set to B (e.g. B=100),

Want : In>=B

Want : Current balance - Activity = B

Want : Current balance - Activity >= B

cykedev commented 6 years ago

Wow, great thread so far! Really nice ideas, but if you should make it work like explained, make sure the user understands this!

My suggestion is easier:

As I come from YNAB, the behavior I know is, that there is no activity! The only thing there is a goal, similar to a want. And I can assign money to a bucket. Nothing in and out, so no math problems. Ether I hit my goal or not. Transactions only apply to the buckets balance, not the goal.

iffy commented 6 years ago

Thank you for this great and thorough feedback. I will work through it when I have more time and see about adding more bucket types/altering the math. (I love the name "piggybank", btw)

Limezy commented 6 years ago

Hi @cykedev,

I never used nor try YNAB4/YNAB, but I've read a lot on how it works (and this is how I discovered Buckets from the reddit dedicated channel). The most interesting review of it I could find is here : https://mappedoutmoney.com/ynab-review/

However, here is my understanding of it :

Buckets mechanics are a bit tougher to understand yet are way more powerful IMO, for two main reasons :

  1. The first is that Buckets's buckets can carry on positive and negative balance. YNAB budgets can only carry on positive balances. This makes possible solving some of the "cons" in the review I linked (see up). For example, I have some buckets to track my reimbursments. If my employer reiburses me one month later, I will still be able to carry a negative balance (knowing it should come up to 0 some day) and check everything is OK the next month.
  2. Matt added this Want feature which I find both extremely difficult to understand perfectly (took me several days to be sure) and extremely powerful. This is a great help to go faster when budgeting your month. It's also a great help to "pre-budget" several months on the future, to have an idea of what will be your expenses / cash flows etc...
cykedev commented 6 years ago

I’m indeed very exited about what will happen with this feature. The only thing I wanted to say is, that it does not have to be to complicated to be a useful tool, and that the meaning of the solution has to be understood by the users. Otherwise it’s a wast of effort it takes to implement.

But I also like the ideas behind the want.

Limezy commented 6 years ago

@cykedev I strongly agree with you that unless those buckets are explained in a very simple way to end users, they will not be used / baddly be used. In my previous comments, I put some math because it's necessary to understand the core mechanics of each bucket type. Nevertheless, it doesn't mean it has to be displayed on the software.

One workaround would be to have some "basic" and some "expert" bucket types. "Expert" bucket types would be disabled by default.

Here are some "end users" explanations I could think of :

The "measuring glass" bucket

This bucket makes sure you have at least B money for your corresponding expenses at the begining of each month.

The "overflow" bucket

This bucket makes sure you have exactly B money for your corresponding expenses at the begining of each month.

The "piggybank" bucket

At the begining of each month, this bucket will ask you exactly B rain for your corresponding expenses, no matter what's the balance at the end of previous month.

The "Save Z/mo until infinity

Just figured out this bucket type was exactly the same as piggybank bucket ... sorry !

cykedev commented 6 years ago

Well done @Limezy

Limezy commented 6 years ago

Small detail : the piggybank name is not from me. It's from James Cole, author of the awsome self-hosted personal finance management software Firefly-III (https://github.com/firefly-iii/firefly-iii). Great software, although very difficult to install, a bit too much on the report side. The philosophy, not far from YNAB and Buckets, is bit more confusing (budgets / bills / categories...)

iffy commented 6 years ago

@Limezy thank you for this detail; I've filed a new issue (linked above) to track the adding of new buckets (since I expect I'll fix this particular issue before adding the new bucket types and I don't want to lose track of the request to add them).

Limezy commented 6 years ago

Yep you're right, better to have both requests separated.

So as you now know, I believe the best way to solve this issue is to compute the In as the sum of all rain transfers to the bucket, no matter they are positive rain add, negative rain "give", or inter-bucket rain transaction.

In the bucket transactions detailed view, if the transaction is checked as a transfer, it should come to the In. If not, it should go to Activity.

Therefore, when we put rain in a bucket, it should already be checked as a "transfer" in the transaction view. Same when we remove rain from that bucket. (Wich is not the case currently).

Do you agree with this ?

iffy commented 6 years ago

@Limezy I think we are in agreement, though I think I'm actually going to replace the Transfer flag with a flag named either Rain or Activity. A prior version of Buckets used the transfer flag to determine if something was rain or not, but it was too confusing. So here's my current proposed fix:

That part is straightforward and should not be surprising. But then the rules that determine whether a bucket transaction is an Activity transaction or not are where the trickiness lies. Tell me if this agrees with what you're thinking:

Action Current behavior Proposed behavior
Bucket transaction as result of categorizing account transaction Activity Activity
+20 one bucket In In
-20 one bucket Activity In
+20 one bucket, -20 another bucket, click "Make it so" +In, -Activity Both Activity

In addition to this, I'd rather not, but would consider adding an [ ] Activity checkbox next to the "Make it so" button that would determine whether transactions count as Activity or Rain


Limezy commented 6 years ago

Hi, please find my commentaries below :

Action Current behavior Proposed behavior Commentary
Bucket transaction as result of categorizing account transaction Activity Activity Agreed
+20 one bucket In In Agreed
-20 one bucket Activity In Agreed
+20 one bucket, -20 another bucket, click "Make it so" +In, -Activity Both Activity Both In

For me, to put intra-buckets transfers in "activity" doesn't make sense. Indeed, here is my understanding of Buckets logics (Yes, I know, sometimes we French engineers can be a bit (too much?) picky about logics 🔢 )

Buckets makes a distinction between two different money flows

One is about virtual money moves

Another is about real money moves, from account to account.

@iffy does all this make sens for you ? Small summary of Buckets vocabulary :

Item Virtual world Real world
Unit Rain Money
Storage Name Bucket Account
External <> Internal Flow Name Rain input / output Income / Transaction
Internal Flow name Transfer between buckets Transfer between accounts
Monthly Gauge In Activity
iffy commented 6 years ago

@Limezy I like your distinction of Activity being for real life money changes and In/Rain being for the virtual flows. I think it's solid.

My only qualm is this scenario:

Currently, Buckets would look like this (after doing this with Make it so):

Bucket Balance Want % (the blue/green bubble) In Activity
Babysitting 200 100% 50 -200
Vacation 200 100% 200 0

The reason I like the Babysitting amount being deducted from Activity is this question:

Did the Babysitting bucket get what it wanted this month? Yes. It wanted $50 and it got it. I just happened to use some of the excess money to bolster the want of another bucket. If I "Make it rain" again, I don't want any more money going into Babysitting.

If, on the other hand, the 200 was deducted from In then, it would look like this:

Bucket Balance Want % (the blue/green bubble) In Activity
Babysitting 200 -300% -150 0
Vacation 200 100% 200 0

At a glance it looks like the Babysitting bucket didn't get what it needed this month and making it rain would try to fill it up again.

On the other (other) hand, I could see scenarios where you steal money from one bucket earlier in the month, and later do want "Make it rain" to refill the stolen money.

I think I could be convinced that the last row of the table should be Both In and allow users to manually adjust whether a transaction is In or Activity on a transaction-by-transaction basis. Either would solve the initial problem brought up by this issue :) and I think Both In is probably the least surprising behavior.

Thank you for your thoughtful comments!

cykedev commented 6 years ago

I think that’s the point I tried (little bit bulky and mixing terms used in Buckets) to say earlier:

Nothing more special

Limezy commented 6 years ago


At a glance it looks like the Babysitting bucket didn't get what it needed this month and making it rain would try to fill it up again.

Indeed, and this is precisely why I made a proposal to include new types of buckets.

Those two bucket types look more adapted for "Babysitting", IMHO, as I don't see why you would want to use for your Vacation some money you have saved from "Babysitting" money. With the current bucket recurring expenses type, you have plenty of savings that are hidden in the individual balances of your different buckets. Better have the buckets auto-regulate themselves by not asking for more when they are full (measuring glass) or never have a balance more than what they are expected to be by "giving" the surplus they have (overflow) !

Limezy commented 6 years ago

@cykedev agreed. I believe that from the begining, the confusing thing was that Buckets tried to cover different usages with the same bucket type, which makes the Want or the In never exactly as you expect it to be !

iffy commented 6 years ago

@Limezy I don't want babysitting to be restricted to only $50; its bucket type isn't the issue to me. I like that it grows and then I manually chop it down to size as needed (and potentially readjust the deposit/mo at the same time).

The column is labeled "In." It seems pretty clear that a column labeled "in" should show the sum of all money into a bucket and not include anything related to money moving out. But all this discussion seems to assume renaming "In" to something like "Rain" (which may be the correct change).

I'll keep thinking about this

Limezy commented 6 years ago

@iffy understood your problem. I have two small proposals :

Fly-over details

Optional Out column

I like the first one best. What do you think ?

Just to be clear again, my detailed comments in this thread or others are just to propose some improvements for Buckets. The software is really good and already doing great !

cpo commented 6 years ago

Whoa dudes. Great theories sofar! Just letting you know I follow this from the sidelines ;-)

shanep2300 commented 6 years ago

Lots of discussion here, but the original 50 in and then 50 out is not a bug. To fix this issue, go the bucket and 'Delete' the mistake amount. If you take out -50 as a transaction, then yes, the want column will stay at wanting 50 because you're budgeting for a total of 100.

If I understood the OP correctly, this is not a bug.

Limezy commented 6 years ago

@shanep2300 I agree it is not a bug. It is more a refinment on how the In, the Activity and the inner-buckets transactions should behave. @iffy what are your thoughts on my fly-over proposal ? Do you think it can solve this issue ?

iffy commented 6 years ago

@Limezy When I get to this issue, I'm going to try various things (including what you propose) and see how it works in practice. Thank you for the ideas!

tuskpot commented 6 years ago

I agree with @Limezy and others that negative numbers should behave the same as positive numbers when entered into the In/Out column of the bucket list. I disagree, though, that new bucket types are appropriate. As @iffy described, it seems like any bucket with recurring deposits could need both kinds of "Out" transactions from time to time.

Instead, I would suggest adding a "balance adjustment" button to the bucket detail page, maybe near the current balance value itself, that would allow a user to unambiguously add or remove money from the bucket's balance without affecting Want progress. Clicking this button could open a small dialog with a brief explanation and a field for entering the adjustment amount. The button could even be hidden if the bucket doesn't have a recurring deposit, since it would have the same effect as the normal In/Out column in that case.

This means that the default behavior when entering a negative number in the In/Out column of the bucket list would always be to "steal money from one bucket to be paid back later that month" as @iffy described, which I think is the safest and most consistent choice. In order to reduce the money in a bucket without affecting Want progress (as in the baby-sitting example), the user would go to the bucket detail page and use the proposed "balance adjustment" button.

There are a few remaining questions that come to my mind:

  1. Should these "balance adjustment" amounts be included when calculating the "In" column of the bucket list page?
  2. Should there be something in the transactions list on the budget detail that indicates which transactions did or didn't affect Want progress?
  3. Should the Want progress pop-up (or fly-over as @Limezy called it) include these adjustments separately? or at all?

(I think the answer is probably "yes" to all of these, but I'm not sure.)

Hydro8 commented 3 years ago

@Limezy it's exactly the problem I have :)

How do you handle this problem right now ?

(Ingénieur français ?)