buckets / application

Buckets Desktop Application
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Recurring payments #212

Open iffy opened 6 years ago

iffy commented 6 years ago

For manual entry, it would be nice to be able to set something up like: "Pay the mortgage on the 1st of every month."

Limezy commented 6 years ago

I use a bucket for that part : this bucket "wants" my mortgage amount each month, which makes sure that I always have the necessary cash flow to pay it.

What usage do you have in mind for such a feature ? I do all my entries manually (because of Chinese banks strange standards) and think those kind of automatic and anticipated could add quite a lot of confusion in my accounting : I go manual so I want everything that comes in or goes out to be manual ! But maybe I misunderstood the real purpose ?

However, it could be very usefull to be able to setup some alerts (like those that come to the notification board on Mac OS) automatically sent by Buckets saying I should pay my mortgage this day

cykedev commented 6 years ago

As I also enter transactions manually, this would only be some kind of help, so that you are not required to enter those transactions multiple times. It could also make a new kind of bucket possible, where the want of the bucket is calculated, based on the future transactions in corresponding month.

iffy commented 6 years ago

@Limezy The user that reported it just wants to save on typing/clicking (e.g. not having to type the amount and payee/memo and category every month)

@cykedev That's a really interesting idea

Limezy commented 6 years ago

@iffy OK understood. Quite similar to #106, then ! Will use it if you implement it in some simple way (cannot figure out how, though...)

@cykedev yes, good idea. More generally speaking, with all my "new buckets" stuff from #182, I was thinking of a very cool feature : a "custom" bucket where you can "code" in a simple way your own want function based on variables the Buckets software would give you access (net wealth, current month, reccuring expense, amount in the bucket, etc...)

I can think of very cool features, for example adjusting the want proportionnaly to your income etc... Could also be a good thing to have a small space where we could "share" as a community our different "Want functions".

@iffy if you implement this I promise I will never chase you again about my new bucket types 🤣

iffy commented 6 years ago

@Limezy I've actually wanted to add a custom bucket type (where you run whatever code you want) for a while. And yes, then you could share them. As a programmer, this is what I'd want in a budgeting app :) I've filed it formally here: https://github.com/buckets/application/issues/215