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Net Wealth does not take in to account balances from closed accounts #654

Open iffy opened 2 years ago

iffy commented 2 years ago

From https://www.reddit.com/r/budgetwithbuckets/comments/qwwpon/net_wealth_does_not_take_in_to_account_balances/

Is this by design? If you have an account, let's say as an example, an investment account that you contribute $1000/month to. And then you transfer the entire balanace to a new investment account and close the old one. The Net Wealth Analytics erases the $1000/month growth and shows it all as a lump amount for the transfer into the new account.

Is this the way its meant to be? Seems like it should still look at individual transactions from closed accounts....

dyanawu commented 2 years ago

Honestly here I'd just rename the account with a memo 😃

Edit: for clarity, if I wanted it taken into account in net worth. I agree with the next comment - a closed account should have zero impact on any analyses.

Felttrip commented 2 years ago

Opinion: If an account is closed it shouldn't affect my net wealth, if somehow money got left behind during an IRL account closure that money's dead to me, or whatever institution I held the account with is going to mail me a check or something that I can cash that I would just count as Income that will get budgeted.

FlyingNovember commented 2 years ago

I think closed accounts definitely should be included in historical net worth calculations! I closed an account and moved all the money to another account this january. Now my net worth calculation for december is too low, and it looks like i have a huge inflow in january.

pmacg commented 2 months ago

Adding a +1 to this issue - I just ran into the same issue as the user before me. Transferred the balance and closed a savings account, then found that the net wealth had a jump in the current month.