buckets / application

Buckets Desktop Application
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Let me associate a subset of buckets with a subset of accounts #694

Open iffy opened 2 years ago

iffy commented 2 years ago

For instance, it might be nice if all my day-to-day expense buckets were only associated with my Checking account and I'd get a warning if their balance was more than is in my Checking account. I might call these associations "silos."

Of course, implementing this feature will add some complexity both in terms of UI and analysis. For instance, you would then have a "rain" amount per silo.

On the other hand, the concept of Off-budget accounts is a kind of silo already and that could be simplified/generalized if Buckets supported this silo concept.

pippil commented 6 months ago

But this doesn't make sense, because money is fungible. If you're using Buckets to plan your spending then you don't need to group buckets to account - that's an unnecessary and additional layer of hassle.

If I have savings buckets that sum to $25,000; it doesn't matter if that $25,000 is allocated into checking / savings / online savings / money market / or shoved into my piggy bank. Once people are experienced budgeters, it wouldn't matter if you threw in less liquid instruments like CDs and Bonds into the mix, either. Because as long as you use your buckets to guide your spending you'll never have an issue.

And if you're not using your buckets to guide your spending, then why are you using what's basically an envelope budgeting software to begin with? I'm being genuine here, - I really cannot fathom what this would add to the software.

iffy commented 6 months ago

that's an unnecessary and additional layer of hassle.

I think the majority of users would agree with this statement and so when this gets implemented, it will be done in a way that you don't need to use it or even know it's there.

I probably can't explain well exactly how this looks until I actually implement a demo of it, but the idea is, while money is fungible, I'm not going to pay for groceries with my 401k and the software should help me avoid budgeting my 401k money toward groceries.

In my head, this is also a path toward supporting multiple currencies and simplifying the now-complicated off-budget accounts.