buckets / relay

Open source Buckets relay server
MIT License
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SMTP server ? #12

Open Limezy opened 1 year ago

Limezy commented 1 year ago

Could you please implement a simple SMTP server for emails ? I have seen some libraries (https://nim-lang.org/docs/smtp.html) but I don't know anything about Nim yet. I don't think self-hosted users will be willing to use Postmark. They'd rather use their already existing email server, or SMTP relay.

iffy commented 1 year ago

Self hosted users don't need to send email at all since they'll likely run it in single user mode. Instead, they choose the only valid username and password when they deploy it (and can update it whenever they want to change it).

Running by hand: https://github.com/buckets/relay#quickstart---single-user-mode

Running on Fly: https://github.com/buckets/relay#single-user-mode

Limezy commented 1 year ago

In my case, a Yunohost server is likely to be used by a bunch of family members, each of them having their own credentials on the server via Yunohost's LDAP user base and SSO. Yunohost also has a localhost mail server, so ideally I would be able to send via SMTP on localhost credentials to users subscribing to the relay. Ideally the relay would be compatible with a LDAP userbase, or with an OIDC authentification stack such as Dex, but I know this is a lot to ask and clearly not the priority. Can't wait to have double sided sync

iffy commented 1 year ago

I see; that makes sense. Well Postmark has an SMTP endpoint, so maybe one day I'll just switch over to SMTP for this. Or maybe someone will submit a PR that does it :)

Limezy commented 1 year ago

I may try. Meanwhile, I now have a Yunohost app running on my test server, with perfect sync ! May I confirm with you that license auth is disabled in single user mode ?

iffy commented 1 year ago

May I confirm with you that license auth is disabled in single user mode ?

I had to double check, but yes, license auth only works in multi-user mode: https://github.com/buckets/relay/blob/master/src/bucketsrelay/server.nim#L337

If we enabled license auth in single user mode, it would effectively make it multi-user mode (since everyone's license is signed and validate with the same key), though I suppose it could be made to only work for a particular email address.

Limezy commented 1 year ago

I see. Anyway I think I'll make an option at installation time. If Yunohost users want to use the multiuser mode, then they'll need to buy a license 🤭 By the way it's very nice of you, both to offer the relay for free including to those who don't have any license. Will you keep this on the long run ? It seems legit to allow only auth license.

iffy commented 1 year ago

Will you keep this on the long run ?

For now, yes. It depends how expensive it is to run. Since it's a relay and doesn't store any information, I'm hoping it will be inexpensive and feasible to keep it on indefinitely.