I have been testing HTSSIP in a phyloseq object of ASVs, created as indicated in DADA2 pipeline:
ps <- phyloseq(otu_table(seqtab.nochim, taxa_are_rows=TRUE),
### Use short names for ASV
dna <- Biostrings::DNAStringSet(taxa_names(ps))
names(dna) <- taxa_names(ps)
ps <- merge_phyloseq(ps, dna)
taxa_names(ps) <- paste0("ASV", seq(ntaxa(ps)))
When I apply HTSSIP on a susbset of it I get an error:
physeq_heavyHMH = prune_samples((sample_data(ps)$Fraction=='H')| (sample_data(ps)$Fraction=='MH') , ps)
physeq_heavyHMH = prune_samples(sample_sums(physeq_heavyHMH) > 0, physeq_heavyHMH)
physeq_heavyHMH_ABC = prune_samples((sample_data(physeq_heavyHMH)$Treatment=='A')| (sample_data(physeq_heavyHMH)$Treatment=='B')| (sample_data(physeq_heavyHMH)$Treatment=='C') , physeq_heavyHMH)
physeq_heavyHMH_ABC = prune_samples(sample_sums(physeq_heavyHMH_ABC) > 0, physeq_heavyHMH_ABC)
### Define controls
params=get_treatment_params(physeq_heavyHMH_ABC, 'Treatment')
params=dplyr::filter(params, Treatment!='A')
ex = "(Treatment=='A') | (Treatment=='${Treatment}')"
physeq_l_ABC_HMH= phyloseq_subset(physeq_heavyHMH_ABC, params, ex)
## Run HRSIP
df_l2fc_ABC_H_HMH = plyr::ldply(physeq_l_ABC_HMH,HRSIP, design = ~Treatment, padj_cutoff = 0.05, sparsity_threshold = c(0,0.1,0.15,0.2, 0.25, 0.3),parallel=FALSE, density_windows=data.frame(density_min=1.75, density_max=1.78), sparsity_apply='heavy')
Sparsity threshold: 0
Density window: 1.75-1.78
converting counts to integer mode
Sparsity threshold: 0.1
Density window: 1.75-1.78
converting counts to integer mode
Sparsity threshold: 0.15
Density window: 1.75-1.78
converting counts to integer mode
Sparsity threshold: 0.2
Density window: 1.75-1.78
converting counts to integer mode
Error in dimnames(x) <- dn :
length of 'dimnames' [1] not equal to array extent
Since manipulation of taxa_names() in phyloseq object may derive in this type of error (see post) I have tried if long names of ASV would work, but it does not solve the problem.
I have also tried
ps <- phyloseq(otu_table(t(seqtab.nochim), taxa_are_rows=FALSE), sample_data(map2), tax_table(taxa))
without success.
This same code works with a phyloseq object build in qiime and based on OTUs. I can't think of any other difference among these two phyloseq objects and in fact I can apply phyloseq functions to the object based on ASVs.
Any ideas of what the problem could be here?
Thank you
It seems that there were spaces somewhere (not sure where). Removing them before creating the phyloseq object let me proceed normally with htssip command.
I have been testing HTSSIP in a phyloseq object of ASVs, created as indicated in DADA2 pipeline:
When I apply HTSSIP on a susbset of it I get an error:
Since manipulation of taxa_names() in phyloseq object may derive in this type of error (see post) I have tried if long names of ASV would work, but it does not solve the problem.
I have also tried
ps <- phyloseq(otu_table(t(seqtab.nochim), taxa_are_rows=FALSE), sample_data(map2), tax_table(taxa))
without success.This same code works with a phyloseq object build in qiime and based on OTUs. I can't think of any other difference among these two phyloseq objects and in fact I can apply phyloseq functions to the object based on ASVs.
Any ideas of what the problem could be here? Thank you