buda-base / lds-pdi

http://purl.bdrc.io BDRC Linked Data Server
Apache License 2.0
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serving ontology with inferred triples #136

Open eroux opened 5 years ago

eroux commented 5 years ago

(Not a high priority) it could be useful to have an option to serve the ontology (or any part of it) with the triples inferred by a reasoner. The reasoner would be given in a profile http header or profile url query. The values for the options could be the URIs defined by Jena, see

So for instance

GET http://purl.bdrc.io/ontology/admin
Accept: text/turtle
Accept-Profile: http://jena.hpl.hp.com/2003/OWLMiniFBRuleReasoner


GET http://purl.bdrc.io/ontology/admin.ttl?profile=http://jena.hpl.hp.com/2003/OWLMiniFBRuleReasoner

would both return the ontology with the inferred triples and the following headers:

Profile: http://jena.hpl.hp.com/2003/OWLMiniFBRuleReasoner
Content-type: text/turtle;profile=http://jena.hpl.hp.com/2003/OWLMiniFBRuleReasoner

The inferred models should be generated on the fly and be cached for some time