buda-base / lds-queries

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difference in results between ldspdi and online fuseki endpoint #15

Open berger-n opened 4 years ago

berger-n commented 4 years ago

(added a new file ResInfo-SameAs-pb instead of modifying ResInfo-SameAs because it breaks display of http://library.bdrc.io/show/bdr:P6161 yet fixes http://library.bdrc.io/show/eftr:WAITOH16)

results of http://purl.bdrc.io/query/graph/ResInfo-SameAs-pb?I_LIM=500&R_RES=bdr%3AP6161&format=ttl don't match those from same query in fuseki

regarding results about dila:A017001 the latter returns

dila:A017001  a           bdo:Person ;
        adm:sameAsBDRC    bdr:P6161 ;
        bdo:note          dila:A017001_N3 ;
        bdo:personEvent   dila:A017001_B , dila:A017001_D ;
        bdo:personEvent   [ a           bdo:PersonBirth ;
                            bdo:onYear  650
                          ] ;
        bdo:personEvent   [ a           bdo:PersonDeath ;
                            bdo:onYear  750
                          ] ;
        bdo:personGender  bdr:GenderMale ;
        tmp:hasAdminData  bda:DilaAdminData ;
        tmp:withSameAs    <http://viaf.org/viaf/23444930> , <https://livedata.bibsys.no/authority/90983014> , (...)  ;
        owl:sameAs        <http://d-nb.info/gnd/119141140> , <http://viaf.org/viaf/23444930> , <https://libris.kb.se/resource/auth/198120> , (...) ;
        skos:altLabel     "Shi-ba lha"@bo-x-dts , "寂鎧梵"@zh-hant , "Śāntideva"@sa-x-iast , "寂鎧"@zh-hant ;
        skos:prefLabel    "Shi-ba lha"@bo-x-ewts , "寂天"@zh-hant , "Śāntideva"@sa-x-iast .

whereas the former

dila:A017001  tmp:withSameAs  <http://d-nb.info/gnd/119141140> , <http://data.bibliotheken.nl/id/thes/p068528388> , (...) ;

(it looks as if ldspdi replaces the value got from one variable by the content of what comes from the other instead of merging results)

BTW I don't know why there are two identical nodes for each PersonEvent:

bdo:personEvent   dila:A017001_B , dila:A017001_D ;
        bdo:personEvent   [ a           bdo:PersonBirth ;
                            bdo:onYear  650
                          ] ;
        bdo:personEvent   [ a           bdo:PersonDeath ;
                            bdo:onYear  750
                          ] ;

resulting in duplicate display in http://library.bdrc.io/show/dila:A017001

xristy commented 4 years ago

The double event info is because the birth and death events occur twice in the input data. Once in the tmpbudademodata and once in DILA data evidently in GRETIL.csv. I assume that @eroux will know what changes need to be made (eventually)