buda-base / lds-queries

A repository for BUDA Linked Data Server
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Reverse lookup of work number given an associated image group number #77

Open TBRC-Travis opened 2 years ago

TBRC-Travis commented 2 years ago

Sometimes we need to be able to identify a work number based on a given image group number. For example, what's the work number linked to image group number I1KG32?

On tbrc.org we can determine this by viewing the xmldoc: https://www.tbrc.org/xmldoc?rid=I1KG32

which has the node <imagegroup:isVolumeOf num="17" work="W1KG14"/> which gives you the corresponding work number W1KG14

Is there a LDS query that will give us similar information?

eroux commented 2 years ago

if you're not scared of turtle: http://purl.bdrc.io/resource/I1KG32.ttl has

bdo:volumeOf  bdr:W1KG14 ;
TBRC-Travis commented 2 years ago

Not very user friendly but certainly the correct data is there, as you pointed out. Just a little hard to read with all that prefix data there.

eroux commented 2 years ago

I can create a new query, no problem. It's just that looking at the ttl on BUDA mirrors reading the xml on tbrc.org quite well, and this is something that can be used for many other uses cases beyond this one. And I think in the long term having one way to do that (looking at the xml / ttl) is more user friendly than having dozens of different queries... wdyt? (the query is just one line, I can do it)

jimk-bdrc commented 10 months ago

@eroux I'm all for it.