buda-base / owl-schema

BDRC Ontology Schema
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reviewing list of subclasses of :PersonName #109

Open eroux opened 5 years ago

eroux commented 5 years ago

I think more info should be added for the subclasses of :PersonName, as some are a bit obscure and it's difficult for me to convey their meaning to our partners:

Also, now that we have more languages, we should probably retire :PersonChineseName and just map the values to another type, maybe :PersonOtherName...

eroux commented 5 years ago

@karmagongde if you have a bit of time can you tell use more about how the different values are used?

karmagongde commented 5 years ago

Hi Elie, Generally, Chris knows all the fields because she built the DLMS. Many might have added according to a request by the former department heads and Librarians. I am happy to answer any queries you sent to me.

I discussed with Librarians and PersonalName are the name which only used by the family and friends/neighbors.

CorporateName is used by Arroscrate families.

CommonName looks same to primaryName. we do not see much differences. Please check how many CommonName is used.

OfficeTitle are basically for the mkhan po/ gdan rabs/ khri pa etc.

PrimaryTitle are very common when the author writes any titles with primanyName will be PrimaryTitle.

FamilyName is when the author writes their family name. One person could have a primary title different than the family name.

ChineseName are used for the author who has a Tibetan name as well as Chinese name. We also have Sanskrit Name when the author translated the name into Sanskrit.

OtherName is used to the author who has a name a Tibetan Name and also in other languages.

Name of these fields is created based on required. If we have duplicates than we should remove. Otherwise, we should keep as exist.

I hope this help with your query. Best, Karma

eroux commented 5 years ago

Thanks a lot, that's very helpful!

Common name is used in the TLM data, and only 42 times in non-TLM data, so I think we can remove it.

I'm wondering if you could give me an example of the difference between family name and corporate name? (for someone who has the two, if there's any)

Also, is there a difference between Primary Title and Title? Is it when a person has multiple titles and some are more used than others?