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BDRC Ontology Schema
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Some RDA manifestation properties #118

Open xristy opened 5 years ago

xristy commented 5 years ago

These properties may inspire some distinctions that help clarify relationships among various manifestations such as the original manifestation and copies, facsimiles, reproductions and so on:

URI Label Description
rdam:P30045 "is preservation facsimile of (manifestation)" "Relates a manifestation to a manifestation that is used as the basis for an exact reproduction on preservation-quality media, such as acid-free permanent or archival paper."
rdam:P30046 "is facsimile container of" "Relates a manifestation to a manifestation used as the basis for an exact reproduction that is a discrete component of a larger manifestation."
rdam:P30047 "is facsimile of (manifestation)" "Relates a manifestation to a manifestation that is used as the basis for an exact reproduction."
rdam:P30048 "has related manifestation (manifestation)" "Relates a manifestation to a manifestation associated with a manifestation being described."
rdam:P30093 "is reprint of (manifestation)" "Relates a manifestation to a printed manifestation that is used as the basis for a reissue of a manifestation."
rdam:P30103 "has exemplar of manifestation" "Relates a manifestation to a single exemplar or instance of a manifestation."
rdam:P30136 "is electronic reproduction of (manifestation)" "Relates a manifestation to a manifestation in an analog format that is transferred to a digital format."

See also RDA Manifestation properties