buda-base / owl-schema

BDRC Ontology Schema
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Implementing Editing status #131

Closed MarcAgate closed 5 years ago

MarcAgate commented 5 years ago

It looks like we don't yet have a way to signify the edit status of a given resource. This might be achieved through an adm:editStatus property and a couple of individuals (for instance: Editing, Provisional, AwaitingValidation, Released, etc...) WDYT ?

EDIT: I just realized that some statuses already exist as Individuals of adm:Status. Shoudn't we separate edit statuses from statuses related to field operations (like scanning, acquiring, and so on ?)

eroux commented 5 years ago

What you're proposing is indeed the intent of the adm:status property. Separating the data about the images from the data about the record seems like a good idea, but it shouldn't block you