buda-base / owl-schema

BDRC Ontology Schema
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multi-volumes editions #165

Open eroux opened 4 years ago

eroux commented 4 years ago

I just want to make sure that we have all we need to encode mutli-volumes editions like the Peydurma in our model... I know we have image groups, but I'm just wondering if we have what we need to encode information about the volumes such as their isbn, publication date, etc. If so we should update xmltold so that it creates the volume records

eroux commented 4 years ago

(I think it's actually step 2 of https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NloJ7Kj-iBzhY7PvIwZkhvSIUFMsC-xNwxe4LjpwqRo/edit#heading=h.m18i0f9187t9 )

xristy commented 4 years ago

We'll have to iron-out the details of what is needed to be added to xmltold which is already doing some of this work. On the abstractworks branch an :ImageGroup resource is created for each volume and :ImageGroup rdfs:subClassOf :Volume.

eroux commented 4 years ago

it's mostly adding volumes for the :Instances (instead of just the :ImageInstances), the main question is what the property is that will link the :Instance with its :Volume (it can't be :hasPart otherwise it will confuse the system)

xristy commented 4 years ago

Since there is already

bdr:W12827 :instanceHasVolume bdr:I2061 , bdr:I2062, ...  .

then there can be

    bdr:MW12827 :instanceHasVolume bdr:MI2061 , bdr:MI2062, ...  .
    bdr:MI2061 a :Volume ;
        bf:indentifiedBy [ a bf:ISBN ; bf:value "9783472887529" ] .
    bdr:MI2062 a :Volume ;
        bf:indentifiedBy [ a bf:ISBN ; bf:value "9783472887673" ] .

When that metadata is available.

The bdr:MI2061 and bdr:MI2062 live in the bdg:MW12827 just as the bdr:I2061 lives in bdg:W12827.

Edit: The abstractworks ontology already supports the above and xmltold would need to be updated to detect when the data is available and add the :Volume resources, but it's not clear how programmatic that can be.

eroux commented 4 years ago

ok yes, perfect! oh I think this should be reasonably easy to add...