buda-base / owl-schema

BDRC Ontology Schema
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where does bdg:shapesSchema in newcorerw come from? #167

Closed xristy closed 4 years ago

xristy commented 4 years ago

I notice in newcorerw that there is a bdg:shapesSchema that appears to be a copy of bdg:ontologySchema.

Where did it come from?

eroux commented 4 years ago

I have no clue, @MarcAgate is it a side effect of the code at some previous stage of development?

MarcAgate commented 4 years ago

This issue has been fixed in ldspdi. The graph name came from editor-templates ont-policy.rdf that was overwriting default graph name in one class of ldspdi. Now, do we want to store shapes data in that graph (shapesSchema) in fuseki newcorerw ?

xristy commented 4 years ago

I just pushed a change to editor-templates/ont-policy.rdf to ignore the core bdo.ttl import in the shapes files with the intent that when the http://purl.bdrc.io/graph/shapesSchema ontGraph is built it won't be populated from core/bdo.ttl and should have just the shapes triples in templates/core ...

If this works as I expect then this approach could be used to create separate graphs for taxonomies if they're in a distinct repo as @eroux is considering in issue #166.

There may be an issue in ldspdi-dev since the http://purl.bdrc.io/graph/shapesSchema graph is no longer present in newcorerw after the push, or maybe that's part of the fix?

MarcAgate commented 4 years ago

Yes, that's part of the fix. The shapes currently available from ldspdi-dev are loaded from editor-templates already, at startup. I just have now to set up a webhook in github and a callback endpoint in ldspdi and everything should be fine. By doing so we will end up with a shapesSchema graph on newcorerw containing shapes coming from editor-templates and updated each time there is a change in editor-templates.

MarcAgate commented 4 years ago

We have now the whole thing working as explained above. A Web-hook has been set in editor-templates repo. All tests passed.

eroux commented 4 years ago

wonderful, thanks!