buda-base / owl-schema

BDRC Ontology Schema
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what to do about External? #26

Closed xristy closed 7 years ago

xristy commented 7 years ago

The external element in common.xsd needs to be mapped. The initial idea would be to rdfs.seeAlso but there's an @source and @data pair of attrs in the XML so what to do?

xristy commented 7 years ago

For the <?:external/>s the @data is a URL and the @source is not present or extraneous.

There are 13 <place:external/>s with @data holding a URL. 3 of these are tbrc.org URLs and the rest are to Treasury of Lives (ToL).

There are 1015 <person:external/>s with @data holding a URL. Of these, 995 appear to be references to ToL and the other 15 are tbrc.org URLs. Some of these are Outline nodes others whole Works. These ideally should be converted to the bdr:Wxxxxx resource URIs that the Outline nodes or Works get mapped to. The ToL URLs seem fine.

There are 0 externals in Works, Outlines, Offices.

There are 10 externals in Lineages which are all tbrc.org URLs.

There is 1 ToL reference in Corporations

There are 2 externals in Topic, both are non tbrc.org

So my conclusion is to map <external data="xxx"/> to rdfs:seeAlso and ignore the few occurrences of @source and the element content.

eroux commented 7 years ago

If it's that consistent, I think the best solution is:

I think that would make the cleanest organization... It would be really great if ToL was using linked data... maybe they would be interested if I send them my small document? do you have a contact?

eroux commented 7 years ago

I've done that

xristy commented 7 years ago

Yes I intend that tbrc.org URLs be mapped to ?a rdfs:seeAlso bdr:XXXXX. I see no need to single out ToL for special treatment in the ontology. I think rdfs:seeAlso is quite sufficient.

eroux commented 7 years ago
