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BDRC Ontology Schema
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hierarchy of content providers #71

Open eroux opened 6 years ago

eroux commented 6 years ago

I think the EAP could be considered a ContentProvider, but it also has data about the different origins of their manuscripts (coming from personal collections). I think the best way to make that explicit would be through a hierarchy of adm:ContentProvider, basically just adding adm:providerPartOf (or something in the same spirit) would be enough.

eroux commented 5 years ago

maybe the best model would be to have a hierarchy of collection instead, with separate content providers. Anyways, we need that to record the EAP data, I'll add it soon

xristy commented 5 years ago

Perhaps we can define :hasSteward Range adm:Organization, e.g.:

bdr:EAP a adm:Organization ;
    skos:prefLabel "Endangered Archives Programme"@en ;
    rdfs:seeAlso "https://eap.bl.uk"^^xsd:anyURI ;
    :stewardFor bdr:EAP039 .
bdr:EAP039 a :TextualCollection ;
    skos:prefLabel "Digital documentation of manuscript collection in Gangtey"@en ;
    :hasSteward bdr:EAP ;
    rdfs:seeAlso "https://eap.bl.uk/project/EAP039"^^xsd:anyURI ;
    :contentProvider bdr:ORG183 .

with an :Entity subclass, :Organization (with :Corporation owl:subClass :Organization) and then have something like:

bdr:ORG183 a :Organization ;
    skos:prefLabel "sgang steng dgon pa"@bo-x-ewts ;
    :locatedAt bdr:G183 .

There being semantically a distinction between the geographic place of the monastery and the social/institutional entity that occupies a geographic location/region during an interval-of-time / era. An :Organization could occupy several places at the same or different times. I'm thinking to retain :Corporation as the narrower notion currently used infrequently by the librarians.

We could use a distinction between a geographic entity with it's lat/long/elevation, region-poly, and perhaps other material properties such as vegetation, climate and such versus time-bound Places with their names and extent that are occupied, founded, abandoned, fought-over and so on by various :Organizations

An adm:Organization is an organization that is involved in locating, preserving, and disseminating :Items and an :Organization is a subject in our domain of interest. It would be reasonable that a resource can be both an adm:Organization and an :Organization.

bdr:ORG183 could have at one time period been located at "old Gangtey" (which hypothetically burned down at some time) located at several kilometers from the present location of the monastic buildings occupied by the group of persons called Gangtey Monastery.

eroux commented 5 years ago

that sounds reasonable

xristy commented 5 years ago

I've started a discussion doc to work through the territory for these concepts.