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BDRC Ontology Schema
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work events? #76

Closed eroux closed 5 years ago

eroux commented 6 years ago

I have that at the back of my mind for a while, but I think now is a good time to express it because that would solve a problem I'm facing:

I have date ranges in the EAP spreadsheet but I cannot really express them with the new notBefore/notAfter/onYear properties, because these EAP dates are not associated with events, but are supposed to go in :workPublisherDate (I think?). So I'm thinking maybe we could change the model a little bit to have workEvents (authorshipEvent, translationEvent, publicationEvent, etc.) like in the BIBFRAME2 model (although it's not very documented). So we could have something like:

   :workHasEvent [ a :TranslationEvent ;
       :creatorTranslator bdr:P123 ;
       :notBefore 70 ;
       :notAfter 700 ;
   ] ,
   [ a :CopyEvent ; // or publishing? in the case of EAP, someone copied the text by hand, not sure "publishing" really describes that?
     :notBefore X ;
     :notAfter Y ;
   ] .

I think we will be able to express more things this way... for example 84000 have date ranges for the translations (CBETA also has that for the Chinese translations), this model would express these very simply, while we can't do that with the current model... what do you think?

xristy commented 6 years ago

I'm exploring a:WorkEvent model; however, I don't see the Bibframe 2 Event as related to what we want as a :WorkEvent:

Something that happens at a certain time and location, such as a performance, speech, or athletic event, that is documented by a resource.

What we want is a set of event types related to when and what occurs in the life of a :Work (Work, Expression, or Manifestation)

n'est-ce pas?

eroux commented 6 years ago

exactly, I think I was mistaken by the BIBFRAME image:


but the BIBFRAME event is not the same as what I imagine... I was sure to have seen this idea somewhere but I can't find where (doesn't seem to be in RDA neither)...

xristy commented 6 years ago

4745ec2 added :WorkEvent facet and subclasses

eroux commented 6 years ago

great, thanks a lot! just a few labels are missing (and obviously some individuals, but we'll create them as we need them). I was wondering if the :workCreator should / could be linked to an event? I don't have a strong opinion on that...

xristy commented 6 years ago

The :workCreator, :workCompletionDate, :workDateOfWriting, :workPublisherDate, :workPublisherLocation, and :workPublisherName are all candidates for normalizing to :WorkEvents.

:workPublisherName should be considered for generating :Corporation resources.

How much of the normalization can be done mechnically in xmltold...?

56d1d80 added missing labels and comments. I also have added :WorkPublished event.

The four :TimePeriod individuals are examples of what the general case could look like. I'm not going to fill out all the individuals -- boring!

xristy commented 6 years ago

e7448fc added :PersonOrCorporation for use, e.g., with :WorkPublished since the :eventWho in that case will usually be a :Corporation resource rather than a particular :Person (this implies creating resources for the Publishers).

There are likely other :Event situations that can make use of :Corporation, e.g., perhaps a monastery conversion might be recorded as effected by a particular group versus a specific :Person.

eroux commented 6 years ago

Thanks a lot! I think normalizing workPublisherDate and workPublisherLocation can be done easily, we can certainly deprecate these two.

I'll try to normalize the publisher names into corporations, that's probably going to take some time but we can certainly normalize a big part automatically.

For workCreator I'm sure we can move them to events automatically... maybe a few corner cases will be annoying but that's fine. I think the only change would be to change the domain to :Event, we still need to differenciate the various actors, because several of them can act on the same event (a translation for instance can have a translator and a pandit).

As for workCompletionDate and workDateOfWriting... is there a clear semantic difference that has been used consistently in the cataloging or have they both been used for "the date of a work"?