buda-base / owl-schema

BDRC Ontology Schema
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linking to iiif manifests #77

Closed eroux closed 6 years ago

eroux commented 6 years ago

I'm not sure yet how to do that, but we need a property to link a :Work or an :Item to a iiif manifest. A iiif manifest is an RDF resource with type http://iiif.io/api/presentation/2#Manifest (for version 2 of the Presentation API), or http://iiif.io/api/presentation/3#Manifest (for version 3). For EAP, we don't really have anything that is specific to an item apart from the manifest... so I'm thinking maybe we could skip item creation and just link a work with a manifest, with something like :workItemAsIIIFManifest?

The only counter argument I find is the following: if we indicate that a :Work is in a collection, I'm wondering if that indicates that the metadata comes from the collection of if the metadata+item are in a collection... if we want to differenciate the provenance of the work metadata and the images, then it's clearer to have an :Item that contains just a link to the manifest and the collection it's in... in that case the manifest would be indicated with a property like iiifManifest...

Maybe the second solution would be clearer, what do you think?

eroux commented 6 years ago
