buda-base / owl-schema

BDRC Ontology Schema
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encoding secondary incarnations #9

Closed eroux closed 7 years ago

eroux commented 7 years ago

the incarnationOf element can have a secondary argument. The code uses a incarnationOf_secondary relation, but I realize it never reached the ontology (even the old one). What's the best way to encode that?

xristy commented 7 years ago

There are exactly five occurrences of @secondary in the data and at least 4 of them are bogus:

For P698 it is sufficient to:

[ a :PersonIncarnation ;
  :personIncarnationOf bdr:P314 ;
  :personIncarnationOfType bdr:IncarnationTypeBody, bdr:IncarnationTypeBody ] .

FWIW: There are 14 more occurrences of . There are 1449 occurrences of and a total of 1455 occurrences of so there are 6 instances without @being:

P11MS241, P1388, P1457, P2091, P2LS151, P1PD127770

All except P2LS151 are empty elements. In the case of P2LS151 the element is:

<p:incarnationOf>grib tshe mchog gling</p:incarnationOf>

and "grib tshe mchog gling" does not resolve to a person so this should be silently ignored.

eroux commented 7 years ago

For P698, is it really worth adding the second type? It seems quite useless and would add some boring code...

xristy commented 7 years ago

I think all that is needed, is to say that if there is a valid @secondary it can just be added. In other words no need to distinguish between @relation and @secondary. Just two assertions of :PersonIncarnationType.

I'll fix the other 4 records so only P698 will be there.

I'll also remove the empty elements from the other 6 resources.

I should have mentioned that when there is no @relation, then the statement:

_:bnX :personIncarnationOfType bdr:IncarnationTypeGeneral 

should be added/inferred.