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Search requires re-selecting search box before executing #172

Closed TBRC-pmench closed 4 years ago

TBRC-pmench commented 4 years ago

When executing a search after entering the search term and selecting e.g. Wylie, the search bar requires that you place your cursor back into the search box and press enter before it will execute search. If you do not place your cursor back in the search box and simply press enter nothing will happen. This is confusing for users.

eroux commented 4 years ago

I'm not entirely sure what you mean... can you record a small screencast?

TBRC-pmench commented 4 years ago

In this screencast, I search mdzod, select Wylie, and then hit enter immediately. Nothing happens. Screen Recording 2020-07-21 at 4 37 13 PM

In this screencast, I search mdzod, select Wylie, place my cursor back in the search box, then hit enter. The search executes. Screen Recording 2020-07-21 at 4 37 48 PM

This seems like something that might cause minor confusion for users.

eroux commented 4 years ago

oh, I see... let me guess: you're on Safari? I don't have this behavior on Firefox. @berger-n can you take a look?

TBRC-pmench commented 4 years ago

This is in Chrome. I just checked in Safari and didn't have the same behavior: when selecting Wylie, the search automatically executes.

eroux commented 4 years ago

ah, interesting... thanks!

berger-n commented 4 years ago

I can't reproduce this bug on Chrome (I'm using version 81.0.4044.92) everything's fine for me: Kazam_screencast_00000

is that a new behaviour or has it been like that for some time?

it could be useful to take a screenshot of some error message in red that would be displayed in the error console when search doesn't start after clicking on the language for example: image

TBRC-pmench commented 4 years ago

Screen Recording 2020-07-22 at 9 32 19 AM It doesn't seem to generate any errors. I'm running Chrome Version 83.0.4103.116 (Official Build) (64-bit). This also happened on another computer running Chrome.

I'm not sure whether it is new or not, I'm afraid. I hadn't noticed it before but another BDRC person using the site for the first time (the second computer I mentioned) got confused by this issue and asked me about it, which is when I noticed it. This makes me think it could be something about the new version of Chrome. If I didn't notice it before, maybe it was working fine on an older version of Chrome before I updated.

TBRC-pmench commented 4 years ago

And, yes, I think the version was the root of the problem. Chrome just released a new update (Version 84.0.4147.89). After updating, I no longer have this issue. Let me check with the other person who was having this issue, too.